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Alt faction for TG

AuthorAlt faction for TG

I'm getting closer to FSL 13 at elf and I don't see a point in continuing further. I mostly only do min AP TG with elf and can win at least 1 in 2 battles. Once i hit FLS13 at elf, I plan on switching to a different faction.

Considering I only do TG mostly, which faction would you suggest I switch to without having a great deal of difficulty getting a single victory? I intend to continue only min AP TG even if that's gonna take multiple losses to ease the difficulty for my alt faction.
Demon, with a name like that.

Fury barb with boars and morale +speed build is my personal favorite.
Fury barb, darkness demon, or pharaoh.
Not Dwarf? Retribution invoker and infinite paer knock ursaries makes it easy and there's always a chance to win except for might DE and elf caravans
Retribution requires FSL9.
Fury barb is the truth
Dark demon is insanely underated. Max horse cerb and fiends and then abyss/ devils. Split cerb and enemy focuses cerb stacks while horse and fiends rip them apart. if you think boars deal damage well, boars need 3x weapon enchants+ full offense talent and luck to reach fiend leap damage. XD
I take credit as the person who recommended DD to Slayer. ;)
for Another Player: pretty sure i told you about it mr knight spammer, but for the kekw's, sure you told me :P
Thanks all, much appreciated!
closed by Purgatory (2024-03-05 08:24:04)
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