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smith and enchanter guild

Authorsmith and enchanter guild
which one should i lvl first, smith or enchanter

and how much money do i need for smith lvl 9 and enchanter lvl 11
any tip for lvling?
Neither. Use other people to repair or enchant your items.

The cost of leveling up these guilds isn’t worth it unless you have nothing else to spends it on.
dont even think about these 2 guilds until you have a couple of millions of gold saved up with nothing to spend on. much better to spend gold to enchant magma/fear set etc or building a new faction than levelling these 2 guilds

i think it takes 4000 gold spent for 1 point of SG point. it takes 2885 points to get to SG8, which gives max efficiency. if you were to repair only your own artifacts, it would cost you 11.5 million gold. if you were to advertise smithing service for a discount, you might be able to cut off ~60% of the total cost, which still costs you >4 mil gold
When contemplating investing in smithing and enchanting, it's crucial to carefully consider the subsequent steps. If you can confidently answer YES to all of the following questions, then you may proceed with initiating the most costly guilds in the game:

- Have you completed construction on all castles?
- Do you possess sufficient artifacts or gold to maximize adventure guild progression?
- Do you possess enchantment artifacts to aid your clan or perhaps war sets to contribute to battles?
- Do you have a steady flow of donations to support unlimited cash flow?
- Do you have enough funds to continue enjoying the game while focusing on these guilds?

If YES is the answer to all these points, then it may be worth considering starting these guilds. However, it's essential to be mindful that these are among the slowest progressing guilds in the game.

For smithing, achieving 2885 points will require 2865 hours, equating to 119 consecutive days of non-stop smithing (not even considering the 11 million gold required). Realistically, it would take approximately one year to reach maximum level, accounting for breaks and other commitments.

Enchanting presents an even greater challenge. Each point requires one hour, and you need 12,000 points per guild (weapon/armour/jewel) to reach maximum level. This translates to roughly 500 days to max out one of these guilds and approximately 1500 days to max out all of them. Considering that you won't be able to work on projects continuously, the actual duration will be even longer, possibly three times the estimated time. You can examine my points as evidence; I've been engaged in enchanting since 2014.

It's important to note that this assessment does not include the option of diamond rushing, which is feasible but highly expensive.

Enchanting guild represents another significant gold investment. Initially, you'll need to bolster your own points, as it's unlikely that other players will provide support. Consider a few millions extra to start and another few million gold to keep yourself occupied while you have no artefacts from friends/players/clannies.
What they said.

If I was at your place I would lvl up my TG up to 5 to get and sell the thief invitation to get money for the builds you will soon need at cl 14.
Castles ain't cheap either.
for Calamity:
bro how to level up ag guild?
for DragonStick:
AG is expensive, usual arts won't help you, and needs to own many castles for leveling up. It is also boring. You have to do the same campaign with all faction over and over again.
Campaigns are the AG.
for Calamity:
can i repeat mission for guild point?
for Calamity:
4) Experience points and faction skill points for campaign battles won are awarded only for the first time you
bro does this mean if i replay campaign with same faction i will not get exp or faction skill but do i still get adventure guild point?
No, you only get adventure guild points if you better your previous score, if you have done a 100% campaign you get nothing.

Your guild points are the sum of your best scores for each campaign completion with each faction and class, out of all difficulty levels. This means that when you complete a campaign a second (or third, etc.) time with the same faction and class, you can earn additional guild points only if you improve your score, which is calculated per the formula below:
0.8 * Efficiency rate for Recruit level
1 * Efficiency rate for Combatant level
1.2 * Efficiency rate for Hero level
for DragonStick:
max you can get is 120 points per faction per quest, there are 5 quests so max is 600 points per faction

600 for classic knight, 600 for holy knight, then you have to play with other factions. This is one of the reasons it is suggested to build all castles. barb has 3 classes so they can get the most points total at 1800.
i mostly skipped the necro one since it has the most battles and half of them were vs like 10 billion zombies or some shit so i only got 480 for most factions
for slayerofall:
thank bro. very expensive guild :(
for slayerofall:
but how long does it take to max out ag guild?
if i have money.
for DragonStick:
if you have the gold, castles, arts and stuff you can do it in 2-3 days realistically
You can follow one tactic, wait for 'Day of Recruiting' where you get all castles for a day. Usually occurs within 1.5-2 months or less.

So on that particular day, pick any faction, take skill potion and complete all campiagns with that and their alt. Slowly slowly eventually you will get to AG3 without actually building any castle by own.

Can use mirrors in those day if time constraint is there. Use smart arts like BB spear, strength elixir, this new epoch backpack, order of manticore/griffin and you're all set then.
for PlayboT:
wow, this is very good tip bro thank you.
but what potion do i need potion of skill right?
Yes potion of skill, because unfortunately they are not automatically activated in those days.

Apart from that you can use potion like this -

If you have them from past events.

Or alternatively, you can use this too -

^ This one is available in market btw. So 2 extra stats for 7-8k gold is not a bad deal, if you fully utilise that whole day for AG grind.
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