#7167 Elite Heroes of India 53 heroes |  | 143,016 |
| » Leader: Poison Ivy » Deputy: eddy_immanuel
» Recruiter: Niranjan » Herald: Niranjan
» Log
| #7167 Elite Heroes of India, is an ancient gathering for mighty and skilled players in the game.
We are the group of people who want to have a friendly community.This clan is open not only for Indians but for all.As it's the real quality of Indians, they are friendly and are ready to accept everyone who respect their country and culture.
Whoever wants to interact with us and have fun with us is welcomed here.
-=Entry Requirement=-
•Minimum Level: Combat Level 5 or more
•Must Be a Main Character [if you change main to alt report it, so that your new main will be added free].
•Must Have a Clean Transfer Log.Blocked char will be remove from time to time.
•Must Be an Active Player [You will be evicted if you are offline more than 12 months]
-=Clan Membership Process=-
Clan Entry Fee: 1111 gold (Recruiter Fee: 500 Gold rest is for clan )
Send the gold to any of the recruiters and then send a private message about the transfer.
If any member recommend you this clan do tell his name to the recruiter in the PM.
-=Clan Rules=-
•We Follow the rules of LWM
•You must be respect other clan members by any means.
•Your conduct to other players must be fair.
•You must be an active member of our clan.
(Any member breaking these rules will be evicted from the clan)
Advantages Of Joining:
•No clan Tax or forced donation.
•Clan Loan for members :Disabled Now
•Communicate in our own clan window in any Indian or official English language.
•Interact with other members and have fun.
•Get special discounts by skilled craftsmen.
•By being in our clan you get a safe atmosphere and you won't feel lonely.
-=Crafting Services=-
Repair Art:
•Dionysus:repairs 90%in 110% of repair cost(instead of 120%, 10% discount)
Enchanting Weapon:
-=Code Of Conduct=-
>All clan members are requested to refrain from using bad words,swearing and insulting other members anywhere in the game.Members failing to observe this clause will be fined.
>Gold or other type material begging is not allowed in Clan.
Note : Any player who wishes to report unsuitable behavior of our clan member should report to the clan leader with the clan member's clan number, mistake and other required things to be told.