Welcome to Elite Skilled Assasins.
ESA is the new home of the "FSP Building Battles".
These battles will be conducted to allow players to build their low faction levels.
Currently seeking suggestions from new (or existing) members who have a similar goal.
A troop limit, FSP level and AP could be designated for each group battle.
This would allow members to cheaply advance their low faction levels.
Also hunt assists will be encouraged for those who wish to use this clan as a method.
All members would follow these rules or risk expulsion...
ESA is currently seeking active battle hardened warriors.
Joining fee: 1000 gold (join fee shall increase after 50 members)
All donations gladly accepted.... but not expected.
When funds permit some prizes shall be allocated for events.
Once upon a time there was a silent group of the most Elite Skilled Assasins...
They were instructed by a huge rug loom from which they deciphered the script of the most ancient language ever discovered. These assasins were to change the future possibilities for all worlds with their every thought and action...
You as an Elite Skilled Assassin will take your orders and abide by the LOOM OF FATE!
The LOOM's orders:
There is neither pride nor honour to be found in those who cheat or lie.
You will display good sportsmanship at all times and never intentionally AFK.
Whenever possible a member should assist another ESA in need.
NOTE: ESA is currently seeking a clan Thief Invite any person able to provide one shall become a much loved and celebrated member of our clan.
-------CLAN SERVICES---------
This section will be updated shortly with more offers from new members...
(members of ESA may advertise their rental/repair/enchant services here)
offers are available to all ESA members. :)
-------- REPAIRS ----------
merlin36: <1000 cost - free, 1000+ = 30% (for 30% repair)
limustudotcom: 90% repair for 110% cost
-------- ENCHANTMENTS ----------
MRHELLRAISER (best weapon enchanter in game):
Weaponsmith: 10 (10000) +2000
4 x 10% enchantments
Free for all members.
-------- RENTALS ----------
Good offers for our clan mates that will give u the edge in any battle.
-------- cantbstopped ---------
Special rental offers for clan members of #273 Elite Skilled Assasins.
Contact him for details...
mention naked mongolian bareback donkey riding midgets when joining for bonus...