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Elves: How do they work? A faction discussion topic!


AuthorElves: How do they work? A faction discussion topic!
I will have to experiment with them it seems. I think I will be using them to help block bowmen... but perhaps I can find other uses as well.
Can someone suggest the best strategy and build for lvl 8 elf? I am not able to access the older faction discussion thread, hence the question.

Also, what will be the best tactics against barb in pvp?
ipslne you should watch Gorobej thief battles as nature wiz. maybe you'll get something from them

I'll take a look... though thief battles with nature magic seems useless if not only for Wasp Swarm :\ Unless you mean pertaining to Elementals?


Level 8 Elf is where you start with a basic recruit that you can rely on until you get Anchorites. Max your EFK and GMB for most battles; then max Unicorns and then Druids. Rely on Druids mainly for blocking and stoneskin... EFK and Uni being your shock troops and GMB will be your heavy artillery. This applies to most types of combats.

However, vs. slow units, bust out your Sprites instead of EFK. Sprites, GMB and Uni for anything with less than 6 speed and less than 9 or 10 init. Also, when using Sprites, Battle Fury is an essential talent. You will likely have to sacrifice some Luck for it; but it is certainly worthwhile.

If you are Thieving I recommend a mix of Sprites, EFK and GMB. Max your EFK, then max your Sprites, and then max GMB. Whatever is left go into Uni and Dru respectively. Set your GMB next to Uni when you are ambushing a caster hero. The GMB will act as fodder while your EFK and Sprites deal most of the damage. EFK will drop anything in their path on their first couple turns.

Tactics vs. Barb? Luck. Lots of it? lol. Their Orc Chiefs will almost always go before your GMB, so it's often a good idea to split them. Rush in with your EFK, splitting off a couple single stacks to block incoming Wolves and Rocs. The idea is to deal with their melee troops as quickly as possible so you can rush their Orcs. If they mass Ogres, this may be a big problem... though they are slow enough that you can hope to bypass them and go straight to the Orcs. Wolves and Rocs die easily; Ogres do not. If you kill their Orcs and your EFK die quickly; at least you should have enough bows left to take out incoming melee (especially if you have mana for a Raise).

That's the best I can muster. Barb in PvP is quite a challenge for a mid-level Elf.
a little correction,lvl 8 elf still don't have gmb.
instead, we are using elven bowmen
yea with elementals. Though he's a wizard so he can tank more than elf
xD I keep making that mistake; I have gotten so used to GMB. Either way, Bows are just as important ;)
Wow, watching Gorobej play renews my faith in Nature Magic xD

I only worry that it takes so much Spell Power and Knowledge to make it worthwhile. An Elf would have to completely rearrange their stats to play like that. Not to mention Elves do not have a tank like Gargs. Trees are the best we can get; yet Elementals seem strong on their own. Also, best use of Firewall that I have seen.

I will have to do quite a bit of experimenting at level 15. Are there any other level 15 Elves as dedicated to Nature Magic as I am trying to be? I can't seem to find any o_o;

I want to know if it is because it is simply not doable, to be a powerful Nature Elf; or if no one has actually tried to its fullest extent?

Also, Nature Efficiency Enchants on Rings and Amulets... would they effect Summon Elementals or Firewall? What does the % apply to? Spell Power, I am assuming... but I'm really not sure.
I don't know. I'm guessing, since this is the first time I've seen a nature wizard, and I've never seen a nature elf or necro, that it hasn't been tried. He does use fire wall ridiculously well, did you see this one?

hit and run elemental + firewall

About percent I'm not sure. For the other elements its extra damage, for nature it's efficiency, whatever that means. Could be each spell power does the work of (100 + x)% of a normal one, but that's the same as % more SP, no? It could also increase efficiency in a similar way nature magic talents do, I have no idea.
I hadn't seen that o_O Hm. I believe this really opens many new possibilities for Nature users. However, I can understand how some don't want to sacrifice wins, a bit of gold, and/or time to the endeavor. I, on the other hand, have little to lose xD

Either way, gotta wait 'til 14 to make it count. 15 Would be best for Talents it seems... but hey, wont hurt to start early.
the best tactics is air elementals with firewall.
the air elementals high intiative and speed can function as gargolye of wizard and fly through the firewall without getting damage.
in raid, some wizard tend to use firewall before the creature enter the area so when they enter, they get damage immediately
I don't quite think that Air Elementals with firewall are the best... They *can* hit and run; but there is no guarantee of getting Air Elementals. Also, they have the lowest defense of all the Elementals, making them fairly poor tanks.

I would imagine Fire Elementals may be the best. Consider a 3x3 square of Firewall with Fire Elementals in the center. They don't take any damage, and only need to defend. All enemies surrounding them will take Firewall damage and Lava Shield damage when they attack. With 20 Spell Power you can summon 42 of them; a hefty amount in PvE.
Please Some One Tell Me How To defeat 156 Forest Kepeers

Step 1: Kill them.

Step 2: Don't die. ;)

Forest Keepers are not particularly special compared to other melee hunts. The only thing they have going for them is their relatively high initiative.

If the hunt is not white or green, than ask for help. It is likely you are only missing the arts required to solo such a hunt. Otherwise, perhaps a change in general hunt tactics are in order.

I would suggest only splitting two single stacks of FK away from your main stack. (That means two stacks of one each, and then a third stack with the rest of your Keepers.) And split your Druids enough to block for your Bowmen. Shoot with bows, especially the stack that is in range (reference the definition of "Range" in Arctic's photo albums). Use single FK to take retal off of the stack that will move first and then attack with the larger stack. If you take down one stack at a time you have better chances. However, if you are facing more than 2 or 3 stacks, it may be better to bring them down enough so that no single stack of enemy Keepers can kill a blocking Druid in one attack.

Once again, it may just be best to ask for assistance if the hunt is not white or green; and even if it were green... it is possible that the hunt has been done by better equipped Elves often enough to the point where the difficult rating is slightly skewed.
Please Some One Tell Me How To defeat 156 Forest Kepeers

Protect your bowmen well

any suggestions on the fight?

any suggestions on the fight?"

You did okay but did you really have the same ammount of AP? Those xbows did much more damage than you did.

You had much less defense than him atleast.

Anyways, 1 versus 1 is a lot about what faction you are.
stone your EFK, use bows on xbows. It depends since that battle is very specific and i wouldn't be surprised to see a single xbow stack in the corner surrounded and the knight just defends and kills u with xbow + monks.
stone your EFK, use bows on xbows. It depends since that battle is very specific and i wouldn't be surprised to see a single xbow stack in the corner surrounded and the knight just defends and kills u with xbow + monks.

in that case whats a good strategy for elves against knights at lvl8?
One thing I would say, should have focused on Griffs with Bows; kill them off first. That way your Uni would have lasted longer. Also, should have skipped out on the Sprites and put more into EFK. Stoned EFK are also very useful.

Also, your EFK being in Aimed Shot range was the real killer. I think you should have used your mana for Wasp Swarm instead of Bless... just to push back the Xbows. 20 mana would have been useful for this. Xbows have low init so a push of .1 ATB could have likely given one of your troops another turn before theirs.

Hope that helps, gl!
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