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Change Disruptionray duration


AuthorChange Disruptionray duration
disruption ray could save the day and against monster,they are awesome(neglect my faction please).
With duration,caster have to cast it again and again and waste their turn
look, let's talk on both stone skin and dis ray are in expert mastery.

you see, dis ray (-6 def) take 2 turns to kill stone skin (+12 def).

so, you see the point? dis ray will show its good after 3rd move. stone skin bonus def was almost remove due to the dis ray x2; once the stone skin duration gone.

note that 2 turns in PvP can make huge difference. the balance is here; you might lose most of your major strength in 2 turns OR you have wipe them fast when you saw them come with dis ray built else you are the one in bad luck later.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
The steps are also -3,-6,-9,-12

i wonder why isnt anyone saw the mistake...

obviously, not much players use dark spells ;p
give distruption to barb also
give disruption to barb also
not as magic but to its normal atk
like -4 to defence of creature atked by hero directly
because my suggestion is to change the disruption effect from -3,-4,-5,-6 to -3,-6,-9,-12
Another note show me a wiz or knight killing the enymy fast. This suggestion is helpfull for elf DE only
Yep, the spell is extremely overpowered, but only because here, you can choose your attributes, while in HoMM, it is automaticly distributed, so everyone had a bit of spell power and knowledge, like someone said before (i can't remember who).

A better solution would be to lower the -def, without making it worse to Darkness specced Magic characters. -3, -4, -5, -6 could be turned in to -2, -3, -4, -6 for example. But in my opinion, it should be left the way it is.

not many people use magic anyway, why make it even weaker?
not many people use magic anyway, why make it even weaker?
Like xerfer said before disruptionray in the way it is now just makes mightbuild more attactive because even they can use it.
But even if you are a magic build this spell doesnt makes much sense now.
Compare is with stoneskin.
To get +12 or -12 Def modification for a a group of at least 2 rounds you need 2know 2 spellpower an one turn for stoneskin. For Disruption you just need 2Knowledge and 1.5 turns.
Next bad thing if you would just take the basic version of dark or holy magic the effect is halfed in holymagic but just 2/3 of the effect if you used disruptionray.
This spell is still inbalanced in the bades possible way.
if they do this, you can throw cave demons in the garbage
we only get 4 of those, while elves get 25+ anchorites
If disturption ray becomes a durability spell wich would lower the def of a creature by -12 instantly,you would get to know the true meaning of pain.

but atm even 1 cavedemon has nearly the same effect as 1billion anchorites thats far from good
bla bla bla whats the big change man heh you rly have no idea what you talking:D

-1 anyway i like the way it is
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