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Dwarves are here!


AuthorDwarves are here!
I hope soon to begin
Well if they r here it would be really good
maybe Dwarfs will come on BirthDay of game?
it will be nice, good present for us =)
maybe Dwarfs will come on BirthDay of game?
it will be nice, good present for us =)

yup that will be a great present
[Post deleted by moderator Kiz // English only./ no jibberish as well]
good job to find it, r u from CIA KGB FSB FBI? how the hell u found him?^^

Simple:) look at his ID

255555 how hard is it to guess such number? also i'm sure there are others like 244444 and 266666..etc
for coolahed:
no they are not

I think 1 May may bring us "The Dwarf Faction"
I think 1 May may bring us "The Dwarf Faction"
I don't think so. We need the war first.
for Magier:

Anything could happen on this server =P

Personally I dont believe the dwarf faction would be introduced before Arctic returns...
for Liuker:
true. But we can hope=)
for Liuker:

Arctic aint returning soon.
I would like an event and it finishes on 1 May and boom dwarves are here
Yeah! "cmon you ugly piece of ore and sulfur!"
I dont believe that.
When we see a war with a dwarves?
0% chance for dwarfes:
- no assistant here since 2011.01.13
- no admins
- more and more high lvl players leave this game,:Gorobej,_force_,Kaningann...etc
- money, money, money only on ru. server
if Dwarves are here we should get its full castle built automatically

the most we can hope for is 25% discount for a castle buildings. but there is no free lunch..
I guess our next update will be anniversary, probably some pvp tournament will be held on that month, then nothing again until Arctic's return...
arctic is the spine of this server,without the spine the server is paralyzed.
so i think the only things we will see in a while ar ST,s
Perdon me if it sounds silly
But why we r so exciting about this dwarvs function?R they very powerful or its just an uphoria 2 play a new fraction???
for Konan_D:

New faction will be fun...
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