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Dwarves too overpowered?


AuthorDwarves too overpowered?
Anyway dwarfs will be maybe not so strong in feature, in one radio interview was confirmed that runes will be canceled and dwarfs get some other racial ability :(

Are you sure this isn't for alt dwarf?
Maybe I wasnt reading it first time correct, this is from:


The Alternative of the dwarves is planned this year, almost all the creatures' skills have been completed. It remains to finish the ability of the faction: we want to leave the runes, because the dwarves go well with them, and at the same time remake the runes. For example, now the idea is something like this: some runes give a creature for the whole fight some kind of buff: defense, attack, modifier; Another rune determines the power of previous rune (depends on the abilities of the dwarves). But also it will be a tactical component - now this creature has a boost for the remaining fight. Let's say, +1 speed for the whole fight, depending on enemy, you can choose a different rune in another fight. (c) Maxim (adm)
They better not give alt dwarves the ablility to use two runes at a time. Ofcourse,just joking.
i'd love to be able to select all runes for one single stack..
If there will be option to add for example +10 attack for the fight, i will be pleasured, it would be like wizard mini-artifacts :-)
Imagine rune of crusade+rune of retribution.

I wonder how it would work,double hit only for 1st strike or double hit for all?
From how that reads the runes themselves will be different. some will probably be the same but i think they plan on changing it up for the most part
well anyway i am looking forward adding new class and everything about the new hot dwarf :)
magine rune of crusade+rune of retribution.

Actually it would be more OP if you could use a rune every turn than multiple at once.
Actually it would be more OP if you could use a rune every turn than multiple at once.

The only reason why I don't lose half my army to dreadbanes every time is because I can block them but if they stack agility+retribution there's nothing to do than to press auto and if they also stack divinity and double hit and intangibility I can safely close the tab the moment I see the opponent's faction.
Have you noticed that dwarves just reached 10%?
and has not been released alt-dwarf yet..
I'm sure many players see that dwarf is stronger now (with the new talent).

Alt-dwarf.. yes. Probably his runes will be like wizard's mini-arts
Alt-dwarf.. yes. Probably his runes will be like wizard's mini-arts
if they have +attack /+ def then i wonder do they have same talent tree ..or just like min-art wiz :)
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