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Discussing moderator actions


AuthorDiscussing moderator actions
I completely agree with the view by a few people that this forum is by far the most heavily moderated forum I've seen. You literally cannot tell a joke here. I've seen again and again that something that someone wrote made me laugh out loud but got deleted, or the joker gets banned (because it's wrong information, because it's irrelevant, because it's a little off-topic, because if may offend some people, or whatever! It's a joke, duh.).
Forum and chat activity dropped a long time ago, rather than anything to do with moderation had something more to do with the game itself. Way back almost 10 years ago the game was a lot more casual and players were playing the game for fun with their friends.

Now the game is much more serious, the whole situation with clans and wars caused this and now means that rather than playing for fun, people are playing only to have better characters and clans than the next. And so the forum suffers alongside this as it increases complaints, and rivalries, especially since clans have a way to directly compare which is 'best'
You literally cannot tell a joke here.
Sure, you can tell a joke.
You just need to use the "Joke" thread in the creative work: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1879514
No room for intrigue or negative propaganda tactics in this game. If it were allowed,it would lessen the power of piles of stats that make up what we have now.Personalities would have a role in crafting the dynamics of the game. Of course, nowhere in history has any army been gathered to a charismatic leader.Never heard of such a thing. Too many snowflakes....
I'm not smart enough to understand post 24. Too cryptic for me. Can anyone explain in more casual English?
He is talking about the unfair advantage that players with enormous stats (from guilds) have in this game and that being able to spread propaganda through the forums would somehow mitigate this (I don't know how). After that he is being sarcastic =)
for Omar Contreras:
What I am saying is that in our current system, there is no room for role play.No chance to develop a clan personality because you are restricted by forum rules. Why shouldn't you be able to create a clan of evil players who terrorize other clans through propaganda? If the rules were relaxed, clans would be able to recruit players using whatever tactics they think would work for them. In the current system, there are just clans with stats.I like the game but I would like it better if we could post whatever we want(within reason of course).
I do agree that adult debate should be admitted without too much moderation.
Can everybody give me info about sniper bow
(From chamber elf) Pls
Player banned by moderator Magier until 2019-05-10 20:38:09 // Off-topic - Please create your own thread. (1 min)
First I want to say, I think it's great that such an important topic can be discussed in such a civil way :)

for Lord MilesTeg: (post1)
The basis on which discussions about moderator's actions have been prohibited in the past were this rule:

1.5. Moderator's actions can be disputed by putting in an application to the game Secretary (thread link and detailed description of the application cause required).

in combination with this:

5.2. Moderators must be impartial. A moderator can be wrong. If you suspect he or she is, ref. par.1.5.

This was done to prevent extremely heated and toxic discussions. Though sometimes I agree it can make sense to allow such discussions in some cases. The best way still is a complaint to Secretary. I can assure you, those messages are read and have an effect.

Unfortunately lwm is now more heavily moderated than almost anywhere on the internet.

It's true, this forum (and the whole game) has an insane amount of rules and has a very strict moderation compared to other forums and games. But I think we improved a lot in this matter. As a long-time moderator, I remember times when I really had to fight hard for less harsh moderation standarts (that was tiresome). But those times are fortunately gone and by now I think we're on a good way =)

When moderators delete posts and ban players they have to ask themselves objectively:

'Is what i'm doing actively improving the forum and encouraging engagement, or is it just shutting down discussion?'

Funny that you say this^^ This is exactly what I used to tell new moderators for whose training I was in charge :D
Funny that you say this^^ This is exactly what I used to tell new moderators for whose training I was in charge :D

If this is part of moderator training, I commend you. I am not sure how that devolved to the situation a few days ago, but this is the right attitude. Thank you for having the foresight and I am sure that your words would have had some impact. This enlightened mindset inculcated right at the beginning is really nice to hear.
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