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Dungeon caves


AuthorDungeon caves
Must be. Are you sure? Enemy stormcallers managed to reduce my shooters to shite, no problem.

First shot
Wardens deal 249 damage to Bowmen. 35 perish.
Wardens take 360 damage from storm. 45 perish.

Second shot
Wardens deal 1635 damage to Cerberi. 109 perish.
Wardens are bursting for more action!
Wardens take 360 damage from storm. 45 perish.

Thrird shot
Wardens deal 2380 damage to Cerberi. 159 perish.
Wardens take 360 damage from storm. 45 perish.

The dmg variance is just too much. First shot looks reduced for sure, maybe the dmg reduction works for one turn only?
Total army strength: 42,950
Victories / Combats: 96 / 136

Optimised for guild points, 50 or so of each and 42 potions, my inventory is currently at 200/178. Currently at position 120 which will drop by a fair bit I imagine, though expect a decent enough reward to be happy
anyone know skeleton and vampire price?
well didn't we have dungeon event just a month ago? repeated event FTW!! i'm out bye
Pretty sure it's a long time since last dungeon event
well didn't we have dungeon event just a month ago?

No... not even close.
for Fallen Atheros:
It's repeated event, no doubt. However we are getting this twice an year with around 6 months interval.

See you later, bye ;)
How is everyone coping with inventory space? I have 43 potions sitting in my inventory, I need to get rid of 20+ of them before ICan buy anything. I would imagine the market is pretty flat for potions at the minute, as most people who would buy them probablY have got them themselves or else have similar inventory space issues. Anyone had much luck selling them?
We are not coping with inventory space. I discardd most potions, and will keep discarding till I have to.
Hunter arts already spammed my inventory lst event, and haven't gotten rid of them since.
I discardd most potions, and will keep discarding till I have to.
Feel free to discard to my inventory ,I'll collect them asap

with portion ,still 30+ more space with ABC
so what kind of reward are we expecting from this event guys :)
I discardd most potions, and will keep discarding till I have to.

Or you can sell potion of spells to me for cheap
for elven_blade:
What weapon suites the cave dewlers ?

I think it might be pickaxe from dungeon set.
I will exchange, send me spell related potions and take all warrior related potions
most people who would buy them probablY have got them themselves

I would be willing to buy guardian potions.
This event ends in roughly 24 hours, right?
Time to chill for a period of time, 2 events in a row really drained my gold. I think we will have a 3rd one in a row regardless, as X-Mass is coming soon.
Main(quite few mistakes)
Total army strength: 44,851
Victories / Combats: 96 / 113

Silver available: 35,979
Silver gained: 2,094,147


Total army strength: 53,308
Victories / Combats: 96 / 102

Silver available: 39,621
Silver gained: 2,589,658

Plant C4
Total army strength: 62,085
Victories / Combats: 96 / 102

Silver available: 26,108
Silver gained: 2,979,249

This is last time i play event with 3 accounts. Got so bored that i didnt try hard in main :D
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