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faction balance


Authorfaction balance
Don't know about deamons. They have might built suiting both hunt and PvP.Their troops , talents are correct of might built.So if they are weak, it may be because of some other reason.
Might DE- good in hunts/ tourney , bad in PvP.
Magic DE- good in PvP, worse in hunts/tourneys.

i disagree.
might DE is very good for PvP, at least at levels 11+

shrews can deal a lot of damages before being killed
dark witches can weaken shooters (the nightmare of levels 10- might DE), and they are very helpfull in endgame with delay and chastise spells
minos are hard to kill, deals a lot of damages with double strike, and they have high morale.

i played might DE level 11 without diamond upgrades in last mixed tournament (PvP group battles) and last minor tournament (PvP duels).

for group battles:
i had 2nd place in last mixed tournament (10/12 wins)
i was always very usefull for my team:
my shrews hit most dangerous stacks on 1st turn, then they "protect" friendly shooters, because the other team want to kill shrews first and it allows GMB, orcs chiefs and other shooters of my teammates to survive.
my DW hit shooters on 1st turns, then they cast delay on biggest oppents stack, and chastise on biggest friendly stack
the hero cast disruption rays on guardians, enchanted gargoyles...

for duels:
i had 3rd place in last minor tournament (16/20 wins)
i defeated easily most other factions and magic DE, even when they used diamonds.
i could even have reached 1st place with 18/20 wins with a bit more luck: 2 of my 4 defeats should have been victories if my oppents didn't have a lot of luck (i had less than 5% chances to lose these 2 battles)
i disagree.
might DE is very good for PvP, at least at levels 11+

You maybe right.But before DE get sufficient numbers of shrews or darkwitches, it is hard to deal with shooters.In lvl5-8 in the first round itself,about 1/2 of shrews die at full arts and 3/4 if min arts. It can be seen in the minor tourneys.
Are you sure Elf can beat them? Zap! GG GMB. BOOM! GG Anchorites. Zap!Zap! BB Efks. Zap! BB Dragons. Unless you're talking about an Elf build I never seen.

bang bang, and saying nothing... Elf can kill more than half of magic army in first move when he's hero turns come's, using tactics unicorn and dragon can reach other side in first move, splitting gmb in 2 stacks and ancho's makes atleast 2 hero spells to kill range untill then dragon and uni can finish caster, or if he goes on uni and dragon range will finish it with some help from tree... that's it look at .ru was taking that tactics for myself and it does work wery well, afcorse i'm talking about 14lv or even 13... and more.
Might DE- good in hunts/ tourney , bad in PvP.
Magic DE- good in PvP, worse in hunts/tourneys.

might DE is just all-rounded good; good in both pvp and non-pvp fight.

as for magic DE, i would assume you have 2 options to go with: chaos built or hybrid of dark with any might-based talent.

hybrid of dark can be excel in non-pvp fight and provide some support on pvp fight.

for chaos built, we all know that DE dont get bonus spell dmg in non-pvp fight; but, it can be very deadly most pvp fight with magic pierce.

But before DE get sufficient numbers of shrews or darkwitches, it is hard to deal with shooters.

please recall back your tactic in the old day while you still a new DE. how did you deal with those shooter when you dont have any range unit? correct, use your spells XD
what do you think about LVL9 Demon-might build, who is easy to crush, who is hard to beat for it (and vica-versa)?
easy to beat is elf faction if you use full Incendiaries!

hard to beat is wizard faction.. strong defence and strong spells (fire balls)
sorry still no fire balls at that lvl but I'm sure it's still hard to beat:P
Are you sure Elf can beat them? Zap! GG GMB. BOOM! GG Anchorites. Zap!Zap! BB Efks. Zap! BB Dragons. Unless you're talking about an Elf build I never seen.

bang bang, and saying nothing... Elf can kill more than half of magic army in first move when he's hero turns come's, using tactics unicorn and dragon can reach other side in first move, splitting gmb in 2 stacks and ancho's makes atleast 2 hero spells to kill range untill then dragon and uni can finish caster, or if he goes on uni and dragon range will finish it with some help from tree... that's it look at .ru was taking that tactics for myself and it does work wery well, afcorse i'm talking about 14lv or even 13... and more.

can you post the link? or any battle that elf is at advantage against DE?
It depends on what "Field" the battle takes place...Magic Wiz against Necro where Necro is getting ambushed = sure loss for Necro all arts equal of course...

If it is on a 1v1 map, Necro should be able to defeat wiz very easily.

In order for a Wiz to dominate any faction, really, the field just has to be big....so garg can fly around safely and not get "captured."

can you post the link? or any battle that elf is at advantage against DE?

on .ru


And many more... this is one kind of tactics against magic build, personaly tested another build by myself here, here's results:

vs DE magic https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=26171842
vs Wizard magic https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=25509015
might DE is just all-rounded good; good in both pvp and non-pvp fight.

Yes might DE is good against all factions but not good enough to have >=50% chance to win.Thats why they are weak.

please recall back your tactic in the old day while you still a new DE. how did you deal with those shooter when you dont have any range unit? correct, use your spells XD
When reading first part,I thought it was something else.How can a might DE zap enemy shooters with his 2-5 magic arrows with just 24 dmg:)And piercing magic is a 75% useless talent even for magic DE.Almost all creatures have no magic resistance.And a DE of same fsp lvl as barb cannot pierce his resistance fully.
Yes might DE is good against all factions but not good enough to have >=50% chance to win.Thats why they are weak.

read again, it is 'all-rounded good' NOT the 'all-rounded best'. in fact, 'all-rounded good' on other words are 'all-rounded suck' since you cant specialized in an area.

yet, i m more concern on the overall statistic. i seldom judge something on 1 situation. the all-rounded good i mention include on both pvp and non-pvp fight.

When reading first part,I thought it was something else.

good, you find out i try to mention something else but you dont see the 'something else' i try to mention.

as you said, you can go with your zap or magic arrow; no doubt, you will have to go in chaos built form.

ELSE, you still have dark magic to support your assault. curse, delay, poison, confusion, weakness... all dark spells can be useful; of course, only if you willing to try to use it.

And piercing magic is a 75% useless talent even for magic DE.Almost all creatures have no magic resistance.And a DE of same fsp lvl as barb cannot pierce his resistance fully.

did you have any idea on what you are talking? magic pierce not only work on unit with magic resist ability; it also work on magic immunity ability, magic proof AND all similar abilities provided by artifacts such as light mirthil artifacts. yet, i assume barbarian faction ability can be pierced as well.

magic pierce is the key for chaos built DE to deal more elemental dmg than wiz in full artifacts battle. another factor will be the DE unique ability - empowered spells, an excellent ability to deliver heavy dmg in the fastest way.

100% extra mana on empowered spells is NOT really a big issue; consider that chaos built hardly hold until late battle. so, just throw whatever you had to opponents and hit them hard before you fall.

from my pass experience in last blindfold battle, you have no idea how bad a chaos wiz beaten by chaos DE. 1 empowered fireball and the wiz left nothing but 1 big garg stack with afew modern golem.

Hmmm? I think a mage DE is superior.
Every faction is good, for everyone some factions are better others not personally said about elf's, how can fight against magic build, and most of the time you can win it.
Some factions are more equal than others. :p
did you have any idea on what you are talking? magic pierce not only work on unit with magic resist ability; it also work on magic immunity ability, magic proof AND all similar abilities provided by artifacts such as light mirthil artifacts.

But can a chaos magi match a wizard in hunts ?With empowered spells he can deal 1.5 times the damage while a wizard can deal 5 times the damage.Even against golems, wizards would be better even without mini artifacts. And I never questioned ability of chaos magi in PvP. I said they are strong in PvP but weak in hunts.How many battles with enchanted artis, let alone normal full art can be done in a day with the new labour guild? And I am not speaking about high lvl.I am speaking about lvls 5-10. The inbalance I said was that there is no built for DE which suits both PvE and PvP.Every other faction has atleast 1.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]

But can a chaos magi match a wizard in hunts ?With empowered spells he can deal 1.5 times the damage while a wizard can deal 5 times the damage.

i would like to ask you that from which part you quoted OR my post show that chaos DE is good in hunt. show me before you continue to verify your point.

And I am not speaking about high lvl.I am speaking about lvls 5-10.

and i m not speaking on 5-10. i m speaking about the overall. as i mentioned before, i never make my justification with given conditions and status.

The inbalance I said was that there is no built for DE which suits both PvE and PvP.Every other faction has atleast 1.

you can always go to the all-rounded good might built since you so DESPERATE for a universe built to fit on both pvp and non-pvp fight. we have alot players always yell that 'might is better than magic' but they can NEVER prove magic is useless in fight.

else you can always go to barbarians, they are the only faction dont have any option for magic built which could reduce your brain operate greatly. somehow, they still have some options even with might built BUT not only 1 built to fit all situation.

IMO, you dont have universe built to fit on all situation. There is no best faction / talent / strategy / tactic / unit / troop setup; it change from time to time depend on the situation you had. ©
i would like to ask you that from which part you quoted OR my post show that chaos DE is good in hunt. show me before you continue to verify your point.
..........Ok . We were talking about diff things.
But all round built I meant a built which is good in hunting and has 50% chance to win a PvP against other races or <50%chance against some and >50% against others .
Knight- both might built and holy magic built are strong in hunts and in PvP .
Elves- might built and nature built suits both hunts and PvP.But phantom wouldn't work in PvP.
Barb- Only 1 built might
Wizards- Magis is super against neutral and strong in PvP with running gargs.
necro- might and nature built
Deamons- might built.

For DE, shrews may die out fast before taking out shooters and lizzy can't just wait for minos to clear the way.For magic, they can't take out the huge Hp in hunts with limited mana.
IMO, you dont have universe built to fit on all situation. There is no best faction / talent / strategy / tactic / unit / troop setup; it change from time to time depend on the situation you had. ©
Agreed.There is no 'Almighty' faction or built. But what if one faction has
<50% chance to win against all other factions? There can be 'Alweak ' faction.
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