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(NEWS) Valentine's Day


Author(NEWS) Valentine's Day
Yes it does.

for Indian_army:
The fight scales for level. The higher levels are having a hard time as the opponents are more powerful and really optimal in build and can't be defeated at min arts (ok, not always). Have a look at the battles of the higher levels and you will understand what I mean

At your level, take advantage of the fact they aren't that hard.

another win without arts
too easy
this time troops of demon got many luck only for 1 luck with hero
for Takesister :

i could easily get to level 5 or 6 in less than a week
i am not leveling up so i can get profit of low level and earn money
For indian Army:

there is not much mage art at your level so the hero is weak

take a look that abive lv12 like myself and look at the demon hero stat

Stop bragging your winning ..make me laugh hahaha

another win

i got 4 atk and 1 defence and no luck

demon against me got 6 atk 6 defence and luck also
u think it is easy?
it is my skills that makes me win

it was jock
dont be serious
for Indian_army:

Oh ya... just keep going.
who thinks it is hard
too easy
i won without arts but only 1.45 fsp and 227 exp

The lower the level you are, the easier it is. Pantheon played with full arts (he is lvl 13) and he lost. And he didn't lose because he is stupid.
in post 47 i mean he didn't make stupid mistakes :P

another win

i dont know abt him but i am good
i defeated hell horse also
for DragonEater:
I'm lvl 14. :p

It is definitely way harder for higher lvls. I guess that's why we get more fsp.
When I logged in and saw this event, my first thought was "Has the artifact shop's steel buckler's been refilled?"
Then I read it and thought "Cool". Traveling to RoH now.
for ChooJeremy:
Admins never announce maintenance work. :)

another win
for Pantheon:
Oh! Congratz! I thought you were still lvl 13 :P
there is not much mage art at your level so the hero is weak

I agree. Hell fire talent is what makes me lose.
I very hate enemy magic heroes - -*

He has more mana and knowledge.

I will revenge with more artifact than old. And If I lose again I will fight with full artifact = =
for vampirer:

I think u should wear magic resisting arts like cape of arcane protection. It will help you a lot. It will reduce hell fire damage as well as hero's damage.
For those 'lower' levels, be grateful for what you have.

Level 15 knight, racial knight, full arts, and..... a full stack of Guardians (with rapid) got to go once and battle was over in less than 2 minutes.

I love it. :)
Level 15 knight, racial 9, full arts, and.....
for Jedi-Knight:

Wow. The last combat was literally about 2 minutes :P
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