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Flooders Tenthouse


AuthorFlooders Tenthouse
Gl everyone for their exams. I hope you guys do good. :)
Thanks :)
MSD again :)
Love MSD <3
No element since 10 Quests :(
Lvl 13! :D
My fsp is quite good for my level right ?
Its good :)
BUT not good as my brother's :P
Yeah I played 2 QT :P
Else I did not playing anything except hunt till half lvl 4 :)

Chemistry exam today ! :(
Good Luck for the exam :)
It was just okay :| Although happy because I hate chemistry and I did not studied it at all
Would you not be happier if you loved chemistry and did not need to study for it?
Uh What ?
I dont know just leave the topic Chemistry..
Next is Maths :)
I love it
Chemistry is just an applied form of math.
Well its much more if you consider Organic and Inorganic
Physics is Applied Maths, Chemistry (parts of it) is Applied Physics (parts of it) :P
Nature is very symmetrical. Call maths a form of language, a very sophisticated form of language norms.

Would you not be happier if you loved chemistry and did not need to study for it?
That's my generalized perspective towards my 3 subjects, I like to learn, not for the sake of impressing a middle aged man judging my entire year's work, to learn how the same light that counted dollar notes in the diode, was converted into current that lit a bulb.
Physics is Applied Maths
Exactly :P
Thats why I love them both :D
Physics is Applied Maths
well, if we're talking about the string theory here. then yes (im quite fascinated by it myself); but i always find my head swaying towards the fact that maths is applied physics. The people who ask the question of egg/chicken coming first can either be complete dumbasses or brilliant and aspiring physists.

michio kaku is my favourite theorist, have a look ;)
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