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Public petition to redeem citizen Arctic


AuthorPublic petition to redeem citizen Arctic
i think it is only humor because Arctic is admin why empire block he ?i think she must unblock

signed by -


Arctic shud unblock !!
Er, you don't get your main blocked for unsigned multis that never interacted with the main.

You get a one gold piece warning to sign your characters and you don't even get your multi blocked.

Use your heads.

Stay thirsty for common sense my friends

Why you are keeping so serious? Even according to the rule his main should not be blocked anyway.
Let me clarify this!

I didn't want him blocked, and now, I do NOT want him unblocked!

When I report someone in C&A is because he/she broke the rules, NOT because I want him/her blocked!

This petition is made for Her Highness to consider wheather citizen Arctic deserves extenuating circumstances.

It is NOT my wish to unblock citizen Arctic, as it was not my wish to block him. It all lies in Her Highness hands! And YOURS...

what u r saying
without him this sever will dead
he only is person who made us play
when he came back u remember there is mixed tourney and grand update 2...
so y u want him to blocked
Is my calendar wrong? Today is half year away from April 1st.

Arctic should have followed the rules, however, Empire should also follow the same rules when give plenty. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked immediately. Or Arctic is not the main?
so y u want him to blocked

He DIDN'T want him to be blocked.Can't you see:

It is NOT my wish to unblock citizen Arctic, as it was not my wish to block him.
Arctic is not the main?

Maybe you got the point! Arctic might be the alt of Empire!
I will sign the petition !

Arctic took a leave from the game, so maybe he should be excused...he stated his multi char in his profile too!
for Reyron:

cant u see what he said ?? read well then comment

It is NOT my wish to unblock citizen Arctic
for xms:
Read that as "I am not actively pursuing Arctic getting unblocked, just as I was not pursuing blocking him" -- Her Highness only can take that rightful decision.
for naviron:

i think so her majesty shud take right decision as main shud not be blocked
wait guys i remember his multi was signed
in his profile he wrote it like that

i have a multichar
it is signed

so if u plus
the last word with the last word u will get his multi name
in case u do not know his multi
see he did not broke the rulz he already signed his multi
and in his multi page he said
i am Arctic multi
so !!!!!!!!!!
why u report and she blocked him ????
I think qio is right..maybe Arctic don't want to name the alt char in his mani char because he don't want to attrat so much attention..This make sense
LOL - This is too much. The number of players taking this seriously causes me some serious concern for the future of the human race. Take a deep breath, people. Grab a refreshing beverage, pop some popcorn, and relax. All is fine and well with the LWM universe. Our patriarch will return after a brief break.
LOL - This is too much. The number of players taking this seriously causes me some serious concern for the future of the human race. Take a deep breath, people. Grab a refreshing beverage, pop some popcorn, and relax. All is fine and well with the LWM universe. Our patriarch will return after a brief break.

How do you think idiots keep getting elected to run our governments?

Stay thirsty my friends
How do you think idiots keep getting elected to run our governments?

Good point... my faith in humanity just died a little more, thanks for the pep talk ;-)
LOL - This is too much. The number of players taking this seriously causes me some serious concern for the future of the human race. Take a deep breath, people. Grab a refreshing beverage, pop some popcorn, and relax. All is fine and well with the LWM universe. Our patriarch will return after a brief break.
so nice !
what do u think we r fools or something ????????
how did u know it is just break ???????
maybe he is really blocked
and remember Empire does not have unblock button
plus if u r too cool
u can go relax out of the forum
do not interfere
Empire does not have unblock button

Surely there is someone got blocked before and unblocked later...
Surely there is someone got blocked before and unblocked later...

yeah I remember one guy use the unblock button Arctic
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