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Public petition to redeem citizen Arctic


AuthorPublic petition to redeem citizen Arctic
I sign the petition for release of arctic
we already have updates lol..no use whining now :P back to the 'dark times' or whatever people is talking about
" Man, this game would be like a broken pencil without Uncle Modi!" (pointless) :)

All is already discussed more or less, now all we do is wait for unblock...
Arctic is good for the server, but he is no saint. He seems to love the politics and drama as much as Uncle Dramatic.

If you battled monsters as much as you trolled for my posts, you may even move up to 11th level.

Arctic is good for the server, but he is no saint. He seems to love the politics and drama as much as Uncle Dramatic.

He's good for the server? I'm sure he will be thrilled to have your endorsement.

He is the father of the server and is great for making adjustments when he sees something amiss. Know what I mean? :P

Stay thirsty my friends
I sign the petition for release of arctic

He is the father of the server and is great for making adjustments when he sees something amiss. Know what I mean? :P
I sign the petition for release of Arctic
I always thought that Arctic is something like Chuck Norris. Nobody can block him. If, for some reason, there is block duel between Him and the Empire, the Empire would be loose and we would all get mass blocked alongside the Empire with Arctic's roundhouse kick. O_o

I guess I was wrong.
I sign the petition for release of Arctic
for hpsim:
well,i dont think artic should be blocked because of his multi.
artic is wrong in the fact that he doesn't sign his multi.
But think about what Artic do for us!!!
Managing a game is a heavy task and if compared with the mistake that he make,, i think artic should be given a chance since he sacrificed for us so much.

Hopr that you will be unblocked soon, Artic..

Sincerely from hpsim.

guys i remember his multi was signed
in his profile he wrote it like that

i have a multichar
it is signed

so if u plus
the last word with the last word u will get his multi name
in case u do not know his multi
see he did not broke the rulz he already signed his multi
and in his multi page he said
i am Arctic multi
so !!!!!!!!!!
why u report and she blocked him ????
I sign the petition for release of Arctic
I sign the petition for release of Arctic AGAIN !!
I sign the petition for release of arctic
I sign the petition for release of arctic
I sign the petition for release of Arctic
lol good joke?You kidding me....thats an UGLY one loool unblock him and replace the block wth 1000000 penalty so like that he will quit the game alone
lol good joke?You kidding me....thats an UGLY one loool unblock him and replace the block wth 1000000 penalty so like that he will quit the game alone
why would he quit with a 1000000 gold penalty? u could just enroll like crazy then that 100k penalty won't even be a problem, plus Im quite sure that some ppl will donate some money to him
Since Arctic is the only admin around here,I think he blocked himself by using empire to make an example for those who have illegal multi-chars,
or it is just another admin waked up.
Last night, while I was sleeping, a little butterfly flew in and whispered these words..

Conspiracy theory -

As some already know, Arctic is NOT an admin. He's just granted some administrative privileges by the powers-to-be.

Arctic, being the doting father that he is, did/proposed some changes that the admins strongly disagreed with. Arctic fought for us, his beloved children. This made the admins rally pissed. So when a complain was filed in C&A against him, the admins took the opportunity to eliminate the thorn in their flesh.

The admins changed the password for Empire, so there's no way back for the Father. Arctic got disillusioned with the whole saga, decided it was not worth it, swore never to come back, and abandoned his beloved children..
I sign the petition for release of arctic
Well it's clearly said in rules that not the main character is going to be blocked, but the additional one.
3.10.1. If you register an additional character, you are bound to show that in the opening line of the "character information" of both, commenting who is the main character and who is the additional one. Just the line "I've got another character" or "This is an additional character" is not enough. Indication of nicknames of them all is obligatory. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked immediately.
Thus the only penalty he could have got is 1 gold and the line Sign your characters properly.
If people would have learned the rules, they would have figured it's just a joke.
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