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Who is the cleverest of 'em all? [Season 2]


AuthorWho is the cleverest of 'em all? [Season 2]
to make this more clear, i'll give you an example:

If god can do anything, can he make a rock heavier than he can lift?

There are more, I promise ;)
If God can do anything, than he can also do nothing.
If god can do anything, can he make a man smarter than him?
sry i answered to first page question

No one know , because he doesn't exist.
@ hewrin

since the mother and daughter were travelling to europe that is they didnt reach europe hotel, thats the reason why their records couldnt be found in check-in check-out book.
[Post deleted by moderator DragonFlayer // flood...]
end the race. I am the beginning of the end. The start of eternity and the end of space. There are two of me in Heaven and one in hell. I am in water, fire, sunshine and darkness. I am the beginning of earth and the end of life. What am I?

triky one i think winner gets mh dagger 10 out of 10
for Noxous:

for Hewrin:
Good :)
@Hewrin: I had to have all 6 of my Facebook friends working on that one...
im the most clever xD
@Hewrin: I had to have all 6 of my Facebook friends working on that one...

Anyone can beat that? xD

I got it off a book , and since easy riddles which are tricky are always found on the internet by search engines, I thought that was the perfect one.
1. Two cops walked into a room with no windows and found a dead man who obviously hung himself from the ceiling, though they couldn't figure out how. There was no chair beneath him that he might have jumped off of, or a table. Just a puddle of water. How did he do it?

hard i think im bankrupt winner gets 1 gold :P
He stood on an iceblock
He didn't hung himself, he was so scared that he died from a heart attack and pissed when dying lol
Hewrin, repeat ur riddle plz
for Diversity, I really want 1 more gold

IF God is all powerful and all knowing. Can he create something he cannot detect
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