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Services -> 016 buildings
+ Elf buildings

Services -> Buildings
+ Dark Elf buildins
[Post deleted by moderator Edwin1908 // don't beg for gold on forums please]
[Player banned by moderator Edwin1908 until 2011-07-04 19:59:47 // don't beg for gold on forums (warning)]
2011-07-06 - something new!


Created index (search page) where you can search over problems and game terminology.
Adding all from site take some time, i must rebuild pages.

Dedicated to beginners - fast find topic and answer for your questions.

Keep in mind, that i started this and i still adding issues.

Next plans:
- update unit list
- update game locations
- update smith calculator
- add current cost of used elements in enchanter calc (use collected average/min market-watcher data)
2011-07-10 - Game history updated.

Services -> Game History
2011-07-11 Few updates...

Added some new data to search index (SERVICES -> Search index)

Added minimal price to elements charts in market-watcher (Market-Watcher -> Elements.
2011-07-21 Something new - direct links to issues.

Now you can refer the person concerned directly to a specific description!

This need some work, i rebuilding and updating now site...

Now you can see picture of flashing green home in title of a part of entire topics.
Two method is possible:
1. Right-click on picture and copy link
2. Simply click on it and copy address from browser..
Replaced home icon with "chain".
2011-07-30 New feature: error reporting.

Now, in every page You can send me report about incorrect information - of lack of it.

To send this report to me, in top of page select ERROR menu in page with errors (browse to this page and select error next). (pages are rebuilded now, this will be presented in any page after updating).

Second way: on every section you will see sign with exclamation point. Click on it to be redirected to error page and wrote what is incorrect in this section. This help me to fast find and correct any mistakes/errors.

Now you can help to keep site updated and suggest expand presented descriptions...
plz correct Judgement ability...

This creature has a chance to inflict a Fire Curse on target for two turns. Stacks with a fire curse receive double damage from Fire Element attacks (enchantments, spells, etc.). Fire curse effect lasts for 2 turns.
]On the clan page

01. How to join a clan? &#9702;Contact with person who manages this clan (or with clan recruiter) - determine how much this cost you (normal cost is 500 gold)
&#9702;Send them desired amount of gold (mostly that transfer is described as "clan XXXX invite fee")
&#9702;Person authorized to send invites (clan leader / recruiter) will send you an invitation to the clan

on the picture reject says : Click here to accept invitation for clan

Please fix it i know it not a biggie but...
#171, #172 - corrected
OK, i swept current problems.

What should I make?
What functionality would be handy to you?

Introduce your proposal, preferably with a short description
I think a column of cost per AP per battle at the arts page will be quite useful.
OK, i swept current problems.

What should I make?
What functionality would be handy to you?

Introduce your proposal, preferably with a short description

Maybe the chart where we will se the chance for befalling luck or morale by every turn (with morale/luck from 1 to 5 for e.g. 10-15 turns)

Also the cheapest minimal AP sets would be good :)

It all was there http://eng.witchhammer.ru/main.php but ut seems the page doesn't work anymore :-(
Also the cheapest minimal AP sets would be good

[Post deleted by moderator Patrickou // flood]
lordswm.org is unavailable for next 12h
my fault - im on vacations now.
I turned off my computers and 2 power lists - lordswm.org server is on other power source but one of routers is connected to switched off lists.

Will be turned on tomorrow, in next 12h.
It all was there http://eng.witchhammer.ru/main.php but ut seems the page doesn't work anymore :-(
it's very hard support several sites with limited human resources.
I apologize to users.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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