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Author | Where you from ? |
Indonesia, City : Yogyakarta .. Born : Cirebon City .. ^^ | i'm from malaysia | Ukraine, city Odessa | Russia< Chuvashia | the garden city of singapore (and the land of banned bubble gum) | Philippines,San Carlos, Pangasinan | Russia - Ivanovo | Russia - Ivanovo
City of brides??? =)
Abkhazia, Gudauta | Tirana , ALBANIA | Austraila-Tasmania | Bhopal,India. | iam from iraq | singapore, singapore | Indore, India | ^^^^^^^^^
In a detailed manner -
Indore, India, Asia, Earth, Solar System (with a main star called SUN), Milky way Galaxy, Universe. | Milky way chocolate! | Malaysia , KL ... where else ?;) | Ygg-Chal, the Dark Below :) | Salo, Finland | Greetings from far country South East Asia --> Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. |
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