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AuthorThieves' guild
I'm really intersted in how to enter this guild.
In the russian version we had to buy invitations. And where we can buy them in this version?
Or invitations will be sold in the market, but later?
I think it's too early to sreak about it..
6 level won't be so soon
I guess invitations will be sold later by admins
Thief invitations will be posted as auctions on the imperial market. We will have to wait a lot till that happens, so I find this discussion preliminary. There are many ways to enjoy the game besides thinking about what happens in the not-so-nearest future.
And in fact, the Administration can change their plans regarding the introduction of invitations. Which makes this discussion even more useless.
not-so-nearest future.

Why not-so-nearest future?

Maybe in this game we'll see the second Crag_Hack or Sherk, etc.
And Geolog has already got the 3-rd level.
It dunno takes a lot of time to get the level 6
*It dunno take a lot of time to get the level 6
MaxiBon reached lvl 7 for 2 weeks, but it was in summer and there was many battles on this levels...
Well, you see, the invitations won't be introduced AS SOON as any first player reaches combat level 6 ;-) A lot of players are supposed to level up that high to create a media to be able to run the guild.
What's the use of thieves if there's no one to steal from?
100+ plus level 6 players should do,right?
...seems like it will never be
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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