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Authorwin-loss ratio
just a chance for you to brag or moan, and compare. :)

currently, my combats are:

93 fought, 77 wins, 16 defeats.

my games played:

92 played, 51 wins, 41 defeats. awful i know, i blame it on the randomness of cards i get. :p
what is the purpose of your post?
To boast.
What is the purpose of yours? ;)
I believe the purpose of mine can be easily guessed by an infant - to get myself informed about the purpose of the first one }
Okay, why don't we all brag.
I think different level will have a huge contrast of combats fought (and won, of course), so let's just compare the winning ratio.
Combats fought: 439
Victories: 371
Victory rate: 84.5%
Now that I see this I'm quite astonished, because I often "kill myself against" some impossible HG monster stacks or MG tasks just to pump up the faction skill ^_^
PS: .ru players know the best creature to kill oneself against -_-
I believe the purpose of mine can be easily guessed by an infant - to get myself informed about the purpose of the first one }
Are you sure? :)
I thought that even an infant could understand the purpose of the first post from the very first line of the message:
just a chance for you to brag or moan, and compare. :)

PS: .ru players know the best creature to kill oneself against -_-
(, , ,).......(, , ,)
Modified from an original invention of B1ackDragon (c)

My omonime .ru character has been killing himself against this funny creature a zounds of times, so his "victory rate" is actually rather low: 71,22% (with 1626 combats fought with the total ammount of 468 battles lost, due also in my case mostly to MG quests and a bit hazardous hunts).

On this server my victories/combats fought rate is slightly higher (82,22%), not certainly suitable to talk of, because of the Hydras that haven't known this new character yet =)
win-loss ratio has very little to do with the actual skill of the player.

when you win a tournament, then come and brag at me. meanwhile it's all fish stories.
We've got nothing to deal with each other nor I gonna to share my fish stories with you, Georgia.
Not a single story could realy provide you a proof of my gaming ability (though I've got several trophies along these 15 months), I only could experience once more the discipline you actually call "dushegubing", thing tha I'd better avoid.
shrugs.. it was just a conversation topic.

as u can see, it's in general game forum, not under queries. moreover, i m not posting just cos i think i am awesome. as u can see for yourself, my winning ratio in the two towers game is shockingly awful
I know
I'm sorry
I'll go
Don't worry
eh? >puzzled< wasn't targeting you MP85
Heh, in battles I have a win ratio of 73%, and in the Two Towers only a measly 52,5%.
win-loss ratio shows your style of battles that's all.
I prefer (Skill points)/(experience) ratio. It's more interesting and who has bigger ratio - has advantage.

Example: player has 20 000 experience and only 50-70 skill points, I say about him that hi don't understand this game or no thoughts about future.
161-0 ^__^
Hunter? )
for distraction:
amaizing! unbelievable! why don't we meet each other in a duel? you'll defeat me, wont't you, eh? }} come on!
She won't, she is level 3. You need to calm down, Georgia.
For one reason or another, I'm far from experiencing any suspention in this situation }}

He/She'll soon become level 4. What's gonna be the excuse then?
Combats fought: 126 Games played: 4
Victories: 97 Victories: 1
Defeats: 29 Defeats: 3

I know you feel sorry for me:)
Georgia just stop posting no body really likes you at the moment and I dont think its gonna change when you sling your ignorant opinions around... Just stop posting if you are going to try and act as if you are superior because your not, this is the internet, and for all we know you are well what alot of people say that Im not going to because I have a since of decency left in me...
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