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AuthorPosting In English
Dear HeroesWM.com players,

Thank you for visiting our young and promising project :) We are happy you have chosen to register with us and spend your time in this game. We hope, you will find it worth your greatest expectations.

There is one announcement I would like to make, regarding communication in the game.
For nearly a year now, a similar Russian site has been online, creating a populated community.
However, posting here in any language other than English is not allowed.

We kindly ask the visitants to respect other players and speak the most common language of the world.

Thus, not only Russian posts, but also German, French, Spanish, Hebrew, Chinese or any other will be deleted without delay. By that means we are planning to create an even more global community of HeroesWM, covering the whole world.

Your kind understanding is appreciated.
Thank you for attention.

It seems a Great deal of players on this site are unable to read let alone comprehend this message. I am getting sick of seeing all this russian chat in games, this also makes trying to play team games very difficult as planning tactics falls on deaf ears. I am not sure how strictly this site and its management wish to try and abide by the above rules but to me it seems that this site is full of people who speak little or no english and like to type in other languages.
Isn't it sweet how an unencumbered mind works }
Are you really trying to plan tactics with an allies? This is so optimistic }}
Let me explain it this way: if 2 players know each other in real life and are able to discuss their co-strategy for 5-10min in school or work, and then play together, they have an ENOOOORMOUS advantage and will easily evaporate you and the moron you ran across accidentally when joining a battle. Even if you both speak same language. I personally avoid playing with unknown teammates.

A piece of friendly advice: NEVER join a battle with a topic "for me plays a.e. Kawabongo" and Kawabongo actually managed to wriggle there.
Er not sure I follow you but at least you seem to know some english. I do agree that I am quickly being turned off the idea of player with random strangers strictly because you can not communicate with them. Well at least my friends list is growing and Georgia if you are lv4 perhaps add me and we can battle together sometime. Lol I eed to get my self a translator too.
It's not that easy to keep playing with one and the same teammate al the time, and at least from my experience on .ru server, I would say that battle chat may be a very useful tool. However this issue has nothing to do with posting in English or other languages. Look, if a couple of Russians/ Germans/ Chinese or whatever they are want to converse in their mothertongue, they can in 5 seconds find out each other's icq account. The issue is that the philosophy of this server is to allow everyone to communicate on the same basis. Someone is not proficient in English? There's a hell of a lot of different games in his/her native language. It's just he/she has nothing to do here in this case.
Well, there are in fact some technical difficulties, too. Moderators can keep an eye on the official communication media, such as forum or chat, but there is no way to watch every combat, if you know what I mean.
So even the thread you quoted, the one by Alexander (adm), targets the forum in the first place (there is no way to erase posts in any other place).

People speaking their languages in combat is IMHO the worst problem now, but I can't even suggest a solution. Except, you know, some radical ones, like blocking the battle chat for the infringers.
krunk not know.

but krunk was told off for shouting in here as well...
Im not wanting to create issues but rather to bring to attention my difficulties here and to let it be known so that those in the know can do something (or at least try) to ease this problem. Now not wishing to single out russian players but it seems that most whom I can not communicate to are russian and I believe they have their own version of this game. I then wonder why they play here and cause problems for english speaking players. Is it possible to issue english tests to joining players and/or current players?
Anyways I am liking this site and hope to see it grow into a multi cultral community with at least an understanding of a shared tongue for all.
In my oppinion the battle-chat is not an issue... If two (or more) people wish to chat in russian there it's not a big deal for me, since they are probably discussing tactics in the ongoing battle.
It's not a huge advantage to be able to discuss in your native tounge there, since it's easy enough to figure out the tactic they're using anyway. (IE, if they say "target the archers" in russian or Swahili it will soon be clear that they are in fact targetting the archers first. >_>)

For the admins I'd suggest to keep the forums clear of anything but english, and let the battle-chat stay as it is. But of course, if you think the battle-chat is an issue I can try to think up a solution for that as well. >_>

For people that wish to play with the same mates most of the time there are other forms of communication (ICQ, MSN, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, IRC... More...) that are way better than the battle-chat. ;)
Well the problem is not players talking in their mother tongue but those unable to type in english.......
For the admins I'd suggest to keep the forums clear of anything but english, and let the battle-chat stay as it is. But of course, if you think the battle-chat is an issue I can try to think up a solution for that as well. >_>
We consider this a problem because it distracts players. It is vital to keep an eye on the combat log to see all the damage numbers, ability triggers as.o. And as you have noticed, combats are the essential part of the game. But with all the Russian and Swahili, it becomes difficult.

There is a solution to make teamchats, so that only players of the team could read their teammates' comments. It is to the interes of the people within one team to find a common language.
But it still has a lot of difficulties. If there is no general chat, players cannot even "hi gl hf" each other, if there are both, there will be constant mistyping etc.

For people that wish to play with the same mates most of the time there are other forms of communication (ICQ, MSN, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, IRC... More...) that are way better than the battle-chat. ;)
Amen to that, so much true :) Skype, Yahoo, Jabber... there are dozens of instant messengers to think you actions through with some friends and then perform an outstanding combat.
for vampyre:
Are you sure you won't have difficulties communicating with your teammate in English at combat battles? }}
Krunk's adverbiality rocks :o)))))
Are we sure that he's not a Zork's secondary character? =)

To vampire
Maybe I'm too blind, but I don't see any really problem in that [think like Agelage].
Yes, vampyre, I'm definitely blind. Sorry if I misnamed you before, I wish I did't :-)
Well, one solution could be to add a "team-chat" (perhaps on the left and right side?) and only allow a "preset choice of sentences" in the battle-chat.

Examples of "presets": Hi. / GL / Your mother smells of elderberries / Death to the Blue Team / We shall hunt you to your grave / ...Whatever really.

This also solves the case with cursing in the battle-chat. (Unless the admins add some curses in the "presets" xD )
Why don't we simply accept the things as they are now? XD
i agree. battle chat is alright. dont need that much of changes to something that is already working well.

THE MAIN problem is, people who DO NOT understand english. An english test at the sign up is a good idea. cheers to Krunk =)you are so adorable. *ahem* i mean barbaric =p
Because "We consider this a problem because it distracts players. It is vital to keep an eye on the combat log to see all the damage numbers, ability triggers as.o. ... But with all the Russian and Swahili, it becomes difficult."

You and I might not suffer MP85, but as long as a portion of the playerbase does suffer, it is called for something else.
Furthermore, this game is supposed to be "World Edition", so having a common language (English) as only language is only logical.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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