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giallosai was on our team but.. played once in 5 minutes whit one turn.. is not cool to let your team down.. but i have reasons to belive that was relative whit one one the adversar team..

u can see the game and when`s giallosai turns just dont do nothing. first he s movein infront .. and something at the middle .. and in final he move fairie to block rogues movement.. i know that maybe whit 2 browser u could play whit 1 acount to win. and other to make him loss ..

pls see it.. all day i have the same situations.. and i`m sick of this players.. i sugest in this case.. who dont move 5 times arrow to not resurect his army sonner.. let` s say 1 day .. if he had bad conection.. well until he s gonna fix it to not play at all..

i whant to play fair.. give us just this chance. if u let multi acounts to ruin game.. soon all players will make multi acounts and starting to make games no more phun.. and to prefere to play only duels 1 vs 1

regards to the team that is doing an good job here..
i love Heroes.. but not when comes 1 player in the team and playd like is in oposite team..

PS. sorry for my english

Thanks, Dostar. Well, if he played with several accounts simultaneously (and it is easy to check), he isn't going to play with them again, at all.
Note for Lexa: suspicion on extrachars, participation in 1 combat, contractual combat. pl_info.php?nick=giallosai
whitout and function admin to check the acount.. giallosai u can see him battle again whit the player that was in the enemys team there..

QuaDoom is the same pearson whit giallosai

he let QuaDoom kill him easy ..whit this cheat he makes quick exp and ruin chance for other ppl to win an fight in 3 vs 3 ..

ty and good lk :)
closed by Lexa (2008-06-04 16:12:37)
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