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Authorelfes to much power

Look at the stats:

Attack/Defense: 12/12
Damage: 10-20
HP: 57
Speed: 7
Initiative: 12

Hell Horse:
Attack/Defense: 13/13
Damage: 8-16
HP: 50
Speed: 7
Initiative 16

Unicorn is way better than hell horse. And you get the same amount, 6.
better? i think not. look at initiative. and 12/12 - 13/13. I think this units equal.
220 if you cant say some usefull - do not say anything. Many people here tipe in foreign language (and me to). You'll show at all misstakes?
Initiative does help, but 7 hp and plus 2 minimal, plus 4 maximal damage esaily makes up for that. And anyway, my point was unicorns are definetly not clearly the worst.
true unicorns are better than hell horses but remeber...hell horses do have gating that adds an extra 2. so it actaully makes them almost equal if u include gating.
MoonVampire, I will grant that my opinion may be biased based on the fact that as Knights, I have low init, thus see everyone elses as high. I am unsure if initiative is only calculated using whole numbers or if decemals are used because although I can see them on my units I haven't watched it close enough in game. Regaurdless of whether or not they do get the first shot in, because of the power of their hit, unless they are hit by another elven archer they will live to get a shot off and will be able to prevent the next ranged unit from having their first attack. Of course if they are going against other elves this isn't the case, but this is a conversation about how elves compare to other races (they are clearly balanced against themselves.)

When every unit has had its first turn and the game really begins, the board usually has a lot of dead units on one side and a lot of elves on the other.
225, you forgot about heroes with 10 init and skel bowmens with 10 init and magi with 10 init. If elf dont have +10% to init (to get 11 init by bowmens) then other units in the battlefield with 10 and more init have a good chance to get tern earlier then elven bowmens. Ofcourse i dont mind knight's bowmens.
I play by elf. So i know how often elven bowmens die or almost die before their attack in group battle (not duel!). After that i can only try to survive to have some shoots from my hero and druids to help teammates.
Nah is actually easy

Knight's swordsman own those lil' archers.

wiz vs elf
no arts, not so stupid elf player, 100% both sides
Yes MoonVampite, the archers are the heart of the elf force and without them you don't fare to well. Druids do some damage and can be a real help with shielding spells, but after two turns they run out of mana mostly meat walls protecting the archers. Without the archers elves can still win, but it's not really fair.

Of course that's a bit like saying that a fight against knights without swordsmen isn't fair because in both cases one unit is the heart of thier army. The elves are based around the bows and arguments against other units boil down to how well equiped they are to defend the bows. The druids make a meat shield, the forest keepers keep the melee fighting in the center of the field, and the faries... well, no one's really complaining about the faries...

The main point, though, is that elves get 2 shots of 4-7 damage off every time their archers fire, and the class is so built around them that they usually live long enough to go through all their ammunition.
and the class is so built around them that they usually live long enough to go through all their ammunition.

Play an Elf, then come back and state exactly how 100% wrong you were !
They die ar almost die in first tern if opponents have normal tactic. May be they dont die if all opponents'll be knights. But as far as i know knights ignore arshers - swordsmens survive even archers use all their arrows.
We tolk about group battle (in duel elf have to small chance to win again knight to offer it). In group battle in 1 tern opponents use damadge from 3 heroes (there can be casters), use all their archers and casters unit - so believe me if elven bowmens'll survive - they'll be almost dead.
those of you saying that hell horses are "the same" as unicorns are forgetting that hell horses can gate, that makes up for the damage and hp differance, and hell horses have fear attack. hell horses are better than unicorns
While swords recieve half archer damage, that doesn't protect the rest of the units. I've been in a number of fights where my swords are killed off in melee fight by druids and archers because there were still so many of them left.*

As for your argument about the death of your archers; if it takes the combined force of 3 sets of ranged units and spell casters at full force to take out a unit that by itself can kill off a teams ranged attackers, there is a definite imbalance.

*Note: It has recently come to my attention that I may simply be a bad player, as the side I am on usually loses. This has lead to a hatered of elves, barbarian heroes, and the use of magic. I am attempting to correct this problem and restrain these biases but am not yet willing to dismiss the case against elves.
Hell Horses can gate yes....but gating really isn't the same as 2 more hell horses, and they are in different stacks.. which isn't always a good thing. Also, fear attack is good, but the magically shield of the unicorn can actually help if the opponent uses spells.
hell horses are much more useful then unicorns
1) very initiative: they'll attack first
2) gating: increase count of horses up to 54%
3) special ability of horses (fear) is much better then ability of unicorns
elves r really weak before lvl 5
trust me.
before lvl 5? I got lvl 5 very fast, because on lvls 3-4 elves are strong if you have normal tactic and fight only duels.
i think elves aren't so good at lv5 cause at lv5 all other factions get much stronger than before

Forget gating- that isn't hell horse, that's demons. We won't go into favored enemy ok??

Initiative- yes you go first, get to gate...but hit first!? Melee unit, speed isn't 8, not going to be over there hitting on unicorns because they go first.

Fear attack is better than Magic aura shield thign

Stats- unicorn much better damage, 10-20 instead of 8-16. more hp also. hell horse just + 1 attack and defense.
fors wzards out there i say use initive mini arts for magi i use 6+ and use a normal shot and aim at the archer and if u have grems engineers uses thoes on archer 2,druids r not that big of threat 2 wizards with magic mirror
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