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Authorelfes to much power
actully 24 sprites can kill many swordmen with high int and no retaliation so they will easily hit and get out of range
and die from hero. Especcially if knight has escort talent.
Even if other knight's unit haven't the ranged defence, normally they have more hp and/or def. As said before i rarely lose against elves :)
However Knight's Bowmen do not have such great power, so they're very usefull in dying.
In battle elven bowmen are always targeted first because they are powerful :)
The same happens to my Griffins :)

220 if you cant say some usefull - do not say anything. Many people here tipe in foreign language (and me to). You'll show at all misstakes?

Well, considering english is the game's official language i surely said something usefull to help player communicate each others, and i only mark major mistakes not all :)

For example Bowman plural is Bowmen, not Bowmans nor Bowmens ;)

And you cant tell to other what they can say or can't :)
for Overseer86:
243 contains quite a few grammatical errors, spelling errors
well i think they are not overpowered at lv 5 i alwys won duels against them
for Overseer86:
243 contains quite a few grammatical errors, spelling errors

well, we are not in english class. dont too picky on the grammar, not all of us good in english :)

after lv6, i find it is not easy to kill elf even with knight :)

I have met elf in the battle, but I win.

So I think elf is only strong for the priority 2 rounds, after the keeper reduced, the magic of druid used out, they get very weak... the elf bowmen is also weak , too, they can not continue shot for 3 or 4 times.

In the group battle ,pure elf side will surely be defeat. But elf with melee fraction such as knight, necro and demons is a great headache: they can protect the elf and make the damage to best.

sorry, my English is not very nice^^
I'm surprised to see this subject is still there.

and I must precise that, even in group hunt, if elves make devastation vs melee creatures cause of their favoured ennemy, my humans are really more usefull vs range units, or when the hunt is close.

Elves die so quickly, cause of their low hp.
That was ambush. If that elf didnt make so many misstakes - than he had to win.
He didnt use stoneskin, he didnt use mass attack of his elit fk in second time and - he was without arts and you was at full or almost at full art.
I'm not say that elves so strong. But in that case - you met newbee.
i agree with 248, elves die quickly because of low hp and low def.
I don't think they are overpowered,I have won several 1vs1 battles with elfs at level 6, and lost only 1. That too, most of the times I fought with wolf riders (no raiders as I have them, so you might say i won because of them.)

Also, I think a level 6-7, the dark elfs with diamond upgrade shrews are deadly, as they can hit in first turn, no retal and usually I end up having all my wolfs killed without a single hit.
i think necros are better in duels necros always win i would never choise elf if i wouldnt be newbie
i think necros are better in duels necros always win i would never choise elf if i wouldnt be newbie
Well, you will be more disappoint of being elf when you have reach level 8, especially if you love PvP combat.
oh come on modertores close this topic it becamed so boring
my main multi defeated 1v1 elf look up critical
easy, don't fight elves till level 8 hahahaha, then you will have a bit more of firepower and it will be balanced ;)
I last posted that they aren't overpowered. but now I think they are. just think of the case when elite fks are surrounded by enemy, and they get Critical damage and luck, both together. every stack around them will disappear in one shot.

You can't even think of attacking them in such case, if they still have retal. Also, at level 6-7 they got 2 luck.

I think this Critical hit and Luck, both should not happen in same hit.
luck on elite fk deal x2 damadge to all enemies surrounded them. But critical hit deal x2 damadge only on some stack (sometimes - stacks, but its 2 critical hit in 1 attack) - not to all surround.
And - elite fk have to low hp and def... and they die from 1 power hit as athers units of elves.
I remember how in my ambush come lvl 6 player with arts (i was lvl 8)... luck on 30+ monks and all my 54 elite fk - dead.
closed by DarkRider (2008-09-18 17:04:24)
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