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AuthorHow is XP and Skill points calculated if I lose?
I'm wondering how my Necro skill point award is calculated if I lose?

There have been so many fights now where the winner of battles against me only got .8 and I earned .44 and other fights where the winner for 1 and I got .6-.7 what's up with skill point calculations?
received exp and skillpoints depend on:
- sum xp of defeated units by you
- artifacts that wear players during the battle
- if necro uses spell "rise undead" players receive exp and skillpoints for killing rised units
- there is no exp and skillpoints from killing gated units
- in duels or group battles (except "everyone for oneself" and blindfold batles) defeated command receives 10% from the experience they could receive in case they win, there is no penalty for skillpoints
- in "everyone for oneself" and blindfold batles first defeated player receives 10% of exprience he could receive in case of win, next - 20% (I'm not sure), next - 50%, winner - 100%, there is no penalty for skillpoints
- in battles with neutral creatures and quests of mercenary guild you can receive no more than 500*level experience and 0.5 skillpoints
so the amount of your units that got killed will not reduce exp or skill points?
ok, so if I wanted to max my skill point generation per level, then losing but killing as much as I can is how to do it?
for navimegaman:
no of cource

for Merkabah:

and one more thing:
if you kill your own units of units of your allies, you receive penalty to skillpoints and exp.. it could be done with magic, "volley" - ability of archers, shoot of mages and so on..
there is no exp and skillpoints from killing gated units
are u sure?
for ProToType:
if I remember correctly, this was checked on russian server..
and on this server this is also so..
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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