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AuthorA clean solution for AFK / surrender / hunt? Read here!
There is an artificial intelligence in the game, when you hunt for example. Not really as cunning as a dedicated player, but better than nothing.

Why not use this AI for AFK, surrendering and even hunting?

Let's face it, not all fights are worth playing from beginning to end. Killing those 150 goblins or finishing this last golem stack does not require full attention. Too many times this leads to long and boring battle ends.

Perhaps HWM designers could introduce an *AUTO-PLAY* button, available at the hero's turn. When this button would be pressed, the hero would flee from the battlefield but his troops would remain and be under the guidance of the AI.

Auto-play means AFK would not always mean defeat for the AFKer's team, providing auto-play would happen quick enough - this very possibility should mean that auto-play should come into play much faster than now where an AFKer is out after five idle turns. Perhaps auto-play should kick in after three turns, or even as soon as the hero does nothing at all in his turn.

We can discuss if using auto-play should lead to an XP penalty or not. To me, for hunting, it's not even necessary. For battles involving multiple players, though, I'm not sure.

What guys do you think of this idea?
i think that the afker wont get any experience, but autoplay will make sure the other player doesn't get bored and will face the enemy. also, if the player loses to autoplay, he should probably still get exp. because its not his fault
It depends how autoplay gets kicked in. Perhaps the player should be rewarded only for kills he made while being an active player. This way penalty for leaving a battle to autoplay at a late stage would not be too harsh.
well, actually, i doubt anyone will think autoplay is enough but to give the afk'er a chance to regains the connection, autoplay will have to wait out all the time and as such you (as AAK player) will lose even more time than a timeout in 5 lost turns and the damage autoplay will do wont make up for the lost player.

So, please no, only a bigger waste of time
kotrin made a very good point... if only the game developers are smart enough to read this post
^^ So HWM will implant 'Auto-play-surrender' thing or not?

Waiting mode:ON :D
I think thier should be a auto-play on of button so you could rejoin later
Easiest way to stop all this afk crap is this

1. Miss 1 turn and your booted
2. If booted from a duel or group battle you cannot join another duel or group battle for 24 hours
3. If booted from a Hunt you cannot participate in another hunt for 4 hours

I like the auto-play options. It would be very helpful. I don't think it will be a bigger waste of time. Just have auto-play using the same AI as the computer controlled monsters in hunts. It's quick enough.
Yeah, good idea. The AFKer should get a tenth exp and skill points. Not much, but for laggy internets you need some compensation. Or, at least change the wait when a turn ends to a defend action, increasing the in which someone can return.
I totally agree with kotin, it works fine because a small percentag who disconnect may not be quitters so they do not deserve punishment, also punishment would just drive tem away from the game.

Using the a.i is a great idea.
I am for AI :) Even quicker XP gained that way:D
AI with no experience is the best.. leavers will have AI take over but gets no experience.. but suffers no penalty as well
this idea was first proposed on the Russian server more than a year ago. the developers are well aware of this option and maybe one day they solve this problem.
^^ Someone could misuse this feature by make his/her friends join the opposite with minimum numbers or all low tier troops and then goes AFK, let *AUTO-PLAY* button take control. Of course, there's still a possibility of unintentionally AFK/quitters too.
I've noticed lots of people saying if you miss even one turn you get booted, not i don't personally think that's fair, what if you have to go do something but will be coming back almost right away??, and That No Duel's or Battles for 24 hours is also a bit harsh
Infurrno3, that's why this world is full of stereotypists... like certain ppl in heroeswm who do not understand that sometimes internet connection FAIL YOU.

Why not when you miss one turn your account get deleted totally? LIke that?

how about the miss one turn the game gets formatted in the server?
How about jail term for the player?
AI isnt good for sometime

we have own tactic... maybe the AI will messed it up. i rather you can take control of afker units
Not sure if this has been proposed anywhere, but it might be nice to see a stat on everyone's char screen that tracks how many times that player has afk'ed from battle. That way, you'd be better equipped to judge if it was a fluke or a habit, and steer clear if it's the latter.
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