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AuthorIdeas for a fair pay-for-extras system
So the word is about that paid bonuses will come into play in a near future.

While I completely agree that the developers should get something in return for their work (since the game hosts no publicity) I do think that the best way to go about it is to create a system of paid bonuses that does not greatly alter the present gameplay, and allow for the non-paying customers to still play unhindered.

So I'd like people to use this topic to suggest some good ideas for this subject

Here are some to begin with:

- Paid blacksmith repairs, that have 100% efficiency, or less but without max durability loss.

- More arrows for ranged units

- Better wages at facilities

- Faster hp/mana recovery time

- Improved Hunter's license

These are just some. Now for a little plea =) Please don't force the use of artifacts. The gameplay already suffers from a certain umbalance as it is, and such a measure turns an otherwise strategy-focused game into just another item-focused game, where the guy with better items wins.

With my deepest respects
Hi Kimbert!

I like your suggestions and posted mine in various threads here.

What I'd like above all is that a paying player should have NO ADVANTAGE OF ANY KIND in a Player vs Player battle.

If you can pay to win, it will just kill the game.

Therefore, all paying bonus giving direct advantage in battle (more arrows) or indirect ones (more money, hence more and better artifacts; repair ability, hence more and better artifacts) is a no-no to me.

The only acceptable paying bonus I see are either comfort and style related (have an avatar for your hero, change your name, travel faster...) or help the experience increase (health and mana recovery, hunter's licence, XP multiplier). In fact, one would pay to get to higher levels faster. But PvP game would still be safe because you fight players of your level.
well i like the more ammo bit but in someways its far to only have as much as they are originaly. im not deniying you in any way though.
i dont see a problem in faster hp regeneration and mana regen for paying cutomers wouldnt upsett the balance i think xD and more xp gained from combat wouldnt be to bad either and that would probably be something ppl would pay for to
- Better wages at facilities

- Faster hp/mana recovery time
that right there is what we REALLY need
I posted this in another thread, but why not here too :-)

I agree that a paying player should have no direct advantage. Instead, charge a monthly fee for a Plus account. With the Plus account, a player could have things like:

* more games in the tavern
* discount on non-essential services like registering clans
* access to extra interface tools that help better organize and view things

In all, paying extra should make it more convenient and fun, but not give an in-game advantage to the character.
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