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AuthorWrong calculation?
When reading the help section for spells I realized that, there could be a small calculation problem.
Example(magic arrow with basic magical talent)

32+8*Spell power
When I read this I believed it was 32+8 and THEN * spell power.
But the calculation goes like 8*spell power + 32. This reduces the damage way much.
I know the mathematical rules of calculation are like this. but why do the game developers just make the calculation like this:

(32+8)* Spell power
this will be cheat))
i agree, SP is almost worthless because of the way it's factored, 1 point for 8 more damage? not worth it...but your way might be a bit too much (1 SP = 40 2SP = 80)
this guy wants to kill my grifs in 1 hit :)
1) under your theory I could on hunting by 1 arrow at sp=5 put 600 damage, and in simple to fight 200. I would become the god, as well as any other magic race, the winner in fight would be that who the first descends
2) if the formula was (32+8) *sp it would be easier to administration to write that 40*sp so even if to argue logically you was written with full delirium
how to delete account???
I just mentioned it :)

But then it should be very clear that it is 32+(8*Spell power)
Do you know mathematik?))
Always at first counts "*" and then "+"
for Sleske:
open any math book
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