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Topic Date
Author Last message
Readme first! Local rules12.30, 21:281Empire12.30, 21:28, by Empire
Unable to see item in my inventory01.15, 18:233#9595ShamBlack01.15, 19:28, by #9595Hapkoman
donation issues12.24, 19:093#7490Hephaistion01.07, 09:58, by #11823Lexa
Black rectangle randomly appears during battles09.30, 10:521#4201virtual_vitrea09.30, 10:52, by #4201virtual_vitrea
Frozen in combat09.23, 01:132Secondary09.23, 02:41, by #9595Hapkoman
Leaving this profile ot a main anymore09.05, 00:322Gilgames siuu09.05, 00:33, by Gilgames siuu
Can't join clan invitation09.03, 13:072#7705TeddyT09.04, 19:30, by #9595Hapkoman
Xsolla payment07.12, 23:364#1519Orkan07.17, 22:54, by #1519Orkan
Missing translation in in item descriptions06.17, 01:221#1519Боэтия06.17, 01:22, by #1519Боэтия
Over leveled enemy cant progress through05.20, 21:363#7490Dark_Snow05.22, 04:55, by #1519slayerofall
Bug racing over leveled and pumped enemy05.20, 21:211#7490Dark_Snow05.20, 21:21, by #7490Dark_Snow
Attain armaments05.15, 11:242Trinidad05.15, 13:29, by #9595Hapkoman
Lost password for Loricia, id=437953304.25, 15:593Nelerna04.25, 18:10, by -Loricia-
Top Hunters Achievement Issue.04.09, 15:491Giancarlo Esposito04.09, 15:49, by Giancarlo Esposito
Chest of abundance04.07, 04:302#846Elden Lord04.07, 04:30, by #846Elden Lord
Website loading issue03.04, 16:0857aso0on03.31, 15:54, by #8433Wertz
All the time is "Hunter needs help"02.05, 17:579#7425Lord Anatema03.18, 07:25, by #7425Lord Anatema
Xsolla pay03.09, 11:341#17BigTomens03.09, 11:34, by #17BigTomens
Treasure hunt / stuck03.01, 00:153TarasLord03.01, 00:47, by TarasLord
Stuck in a battle02.02, 14:081Vespera02.02, 14:08, by Vespera
Do not count TG in Pirate quest01.18, 15:128Ivki_Kuzelnik01.22, 23:11, by #9595Hapkoman
No description for the Beastmaster skill01.14, 17:001euroxata01.14, 17:00, by euroxata
Bug: messages page. Focus on search input.12.09, 21:081TarasLord12.09, 21:08, by TarasLord
Battle Log - paging does not work10.31, 15:362#9595LordNebiros9210.31, 15:43, by #9595LordNebiros92
Why do i have minuses 100k gold10.05, 11:043theghostsman10.07, 00:25, by #1519greenywo7
Lost acc09.15, 01:041Vevorenu09.15, 01:04, by Vevorenu
Forgot password08.06, 04:292Vevorenu08.22, 18:08, by #11823Lexa
Repair07.15, 09:062#7705Andycog08.21, 22:17, by #15Beliar
Thieves' Guild level 2 not unlocked after reached 120 points and more08.03, 13:592#18Swam508.03, 16:56, by #18Swam5
No sound effects07.26, 18:422#7490Hephaistion07.27, 16:07, by #9595LordNebiros92

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