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Topic Date
Author Last message
Problem loading fight table04.22, 14:224ElfArchery04.22, 14:28, by #7490Meshy
Map09.08, 10:2610week-are04.21, 15:42, by moki-
Cannot login into tavern and also some other places on map04.10, 18:172NikevZ04.15, 22:06, by Lawton
Imperial part log filter05.17, 16:082#7490AzagToth04.09, 13:13, by yany_elf
Stuck in battle04.01, 19:152#4201Calamity04.01, 23:58, by #4201Calamity
Actions still restricted after battle completion03.26, 23:204#7490Tsurvosh03.27, 22:23, by #7490Tsurvosh
Valentines Day02.14, 01:082#1209Leander02.14, 01:50, by DShaman
Blurry image with 125% font size in windows02.06, 19:342krovak02.08, 08:02, by Bunnie
Account Problem12.20, 20:513Grishnagg01.29, 09:37, by #4201xenophon
Hey11.20, 09:551ZPCI_dark_maste11.20, 09:55, by ZPCI_dark_maste
Leap isn't working11.13, 00:493#4201_Sworks_11.14, 01:31, by #4201_Sworks_
im stuck in battle11.10, 23:161tassadar324811.10, 23:16, by tassadar3248
Alt blocked11.06, 07:202Smashin_Elf11.06, 07:24, by Smashin_Elf
Permanent Bug09.18, 16:101Collateral Damage09.18, 16:10, by Collateral Damage
help09.12, 08:365#236Sir Mullich09.12, 17:23, by #7490Meshy
Crazed trolls Bloodlust calculation.08.16, 16:213__Maiden__08.16, 16:34, by #7490Meshy
Unable to speed up time between hunts using diamonds.08.07, 13:412Aelumia08.07, 14:36, by #7490Meshy
Error screen07.18, 21:133#9595Dejia07.27, 13:36, by #7490Meshy
Diamonds07.22, 09:213#7705Oma Desala07.23, 00:29, by #7705Oma Desala
Diamonds07.20, 12:243Criss07.20, 17:51, by Criss
Accidentaly pressing discard button on an item, doesn't give me the warning07.19, 12:053#7705god_mom07.19, 23:26, by #7490Meshy
Combat no longer loads (gray screen)06.12, 01:2714#9595Dejia07.13, 00:54, by Fallen Atheros
Errors these days06.04, 00:046#9595bp9906.11, 09:17, by #11823Lexa
Golden scroll of calling after donation06.09, 14:163Fury_Barb06.09, 15:04, by Fury_Barb
licence log filter05.17, 15:362#7490AzagToth05.17, 16:09, by #7490AzagToth
Warning message on map05.04, 06:404V_K_S05.04, 11:23, by V_K_S
Lost 1% estate license to Sunny city04.09, 20:582Shiningstarr04.09, 21:25, by Shiningstarr
Lost 7k on card game because of server went off.03.26, 02:214grif04.06, 00:23, by grif
Note: You are already in a challenge!03.25, 13:444#7490Gnjavator03.25, 15:20, by #7490Gnjavator
MG autobattle got stuck03.12, 06:212Lord selfist03.12, 12:09, by Lord selfist

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