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AuthorEarly game leveling: Faster vs Better
I vote for this post to be STICKIED :) very helpful :)
very good advice....i did a mix of duels and hunting from combat lv1 to lv2....but after reading this post ive pretty much stuck to hunting till combat lv3 because of the 40-60 min wait time for hunting...

so far ive already got a knight faction level...halfway to elf faction level and also on the way with necro...im almost lv2 hunter as well....

so when i get to combat level 3 i should be much better prepared not to mention more money for the castle upgrades...

great post...

the game its more funny at hight levels... I am level 6, and, at level 5, i changed faction sometimes, so i get 4 in elf, 2 in demon, 1 in necro, 1 in knight, 2 on dark elf.. isnt so expensive to get the level 3 creatures as u think... I like to play all factions in all levels, i prefer level quickly and then play for funny :)
guess this topic should put to sticky ones...
so so helpfull
Im gonna hunt till lvl 4 this should help reverse the effects :)
i have to half agree with this topic as it is a good thing to do hunts, a very good thing, but huntingis boring as u can always anticipate what they will do.
i do a mix 60% hunts so i lvl at a steady speed in both areas.
Ok, so Im elf combat lvl 3 and Hunter's guild lvl 1.

I had planned on trying out all of the factions so you think NOW is the best time vs. waiting til I get to level 4 then?
ermm... when i rise my spell power, would i heal my troop with higher hp??
send to me: [email protected]
very useful post, so BUMP
I went this route as well and I'm pleased with the results. Having +3% defense against several factions, while not ground-breaking, can make a difference in close matches.

To avoid the monotony I played in the tavern between hunts. Lvls 1-3 were fun, I remember being kind of bummed when I dinged lvl 3 heh. :)
1. this is the way of loosers. If you really think than +2 or even +5 to defence or attack makes you winner, you are wrong. Train your brain: this is the best way to become winner.

On 9+ levels battles are so long, that PvP battles are not popular. So play PvP now.

There's plenty of chances to play PvP on levels 3-8, but you can only hunt twice often on lvl 1-2.

And while both brain and straight hands are good and irreplaceable, neither is factin skill. What's a necro without reserve? Elf without fav. enemy? Wisard without miniarts? etc. One who rushes one's way to higher levels will find oneself with low LG(no gold -> no arts) low HG(no attack) and so on, and so on...

In the end they'll just have to spend time(among other things) to improve their faction lvl, so that they wouldn't, pardon my english, s*ck when playing PvP.

And 1st and 2nd levels pass quickly enough as it is. So why not enjoy them, rather then rush ahead? Especially considering that on levels 9- the game is ballanced(according to admins =) :)

+5 defense/attack (-25%/+25%)compared to opponent doesnt make u a winner?
what does? (besides tactic of course^^)

seems you never fought an enemy with full arts naked ;)

btw imo be careful skilling too many factions, as it will become harder and harder to gain skill in higher lvls,as said before by Shebali.
take a look at Kusikas account, he only has 1600 skill-points in lvl 9!!(nearly lvl 10)
so raising up skill in all factions to say 90 points, will cost u 540!! points, which u will lack in your main faction ;)
this might be not so important with DE or Barb, but with wiz, knight or necro u will get big problems against a fully skilled opponent of same lvl.

No one thing makes you a winner. The game offers several avenues to improve your char, makes sense to take advantage of all of them. If it's all about brain power than a smart level 3 char can take a dumb level 7, right? Not so much.
32. I'm talking about interesting game, no about stupid rising of skills.
33. +25% doesn't matter. tactics. you are right.
Kusikas has nobody to play with. Yes, his the best skill-points, he is the strongest, but he has nobody to play with. I really don't understand him. Why not to play HOMM5?
34. Right. But you can't compare battle of 3 and 7 level with battle of 3 and 3 with +25% damage plus.
I'm just saying that everything adds up. If a char has the same strategical prowress, stats, and equipment, but one has 3% or 6% defense against the other, he has the advantage.

In the end, it's up to the player to decide how many different aspects of the game they use to improve their char. Some choose to add a little defense. They're certainly not 'loosers' for doing so.
36. you know, that in reality in 1vs1 battles wins the player, who made the first good hit. I don't think, that +3% defence play a role.

I think that it's stupid to play only hunts. Person should do everything, he wants. Instead game becomes stupid rising of skills, guilds and so on.

Sorry for my English :)
yeah, i got your point brawler ;)

*grinding* is really stupid, but perfect for me, as for i am playing at work most of the time ;D
38. this is an other story. :) I understand those, who play at work
Take a look at this player: Wild_Shooter


That's wad u call super cool!!!~ He's a pro mage lols, very hardworking at lvling his faction and guilds. I foresee him being a faction lvl 6 mage at combat lvl 3, hahas~ :P

His spells are gonna deal a real punch lols. :)
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