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Authorsame troop type differrent movement?
I fought barbarian against barbarian today. Both level 4. We both had wolf stacks a certain distance apart. My stack could not attack his. It was a full space short of having enough movement to attack. So I defended. Then his stack attacked mine.

So I am wondering how his stack was able to move the extra distance? No artifacts for either of us.

What am I missing?
Maybe there was a rock in the ways of your wolfs.
@2: A rock would hinder both players equally. -_-

@1: I watched that battle (against GOBLIN), and you might have missed that he started by taking one step forward, and then attacked you. You could reach him at the time of the attack. (He did get a morale, but your wolfies were still before him)
Yep. It was against GOBLIN. We were waiting each other out. After he took that step, I tried to attack him but my wolves wouldn't go. Then his reached me.

It wasn't the rock. There was plenty of space around it.

I don't know. I probably missed something simple. Just trying to figure it out, because it sure cost me that battle :-)
Actually, while looking at the terrain, it seems that you actually can't reach him, even though he can reach you. The rock IS in the way for you, but not for him! It's actually the TWO rocks in combination that is the problem.

He can move two paces forward, 3+4 diagonally, 5 diagonally and finally step 6 forward to attack *your lower front!*.

If you try to attack his *upper front* you will be hindered by the rock in the middle. And you can't move the extra pace diagonally downwards since that would take up an extra move.
...It's just the one rock in the middle. >_>
The rock near you is not important.

But just that one rock, and the proper placement, is what does the difference.
Interesting. I see what you're saying. Thanks for checking it out for me! Now I have a new trick for my bag, too :-)
Nice brain work, Agelage!
Thanks for helping ppl=)
closed by Smoker (2008-07-06 18:26:52)
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