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Authorcool way of earning money

just a few ideas...
Interesting. If skill = 0, neutrals won't grow, so...
i do not understan this...
I think they will grow anyway. Because they were defeted. And doesn't matter who killed them. They just won.
And doesn't matter who killed them.
Yes, but neutrals grow as you get the skill (lower skill - lower growth). If you don't get faction/HG (HG skill = faction skill x 2) skill - they won't grow.
07-15-08 23:30: WarandMoney[3] vs Zombies (31)
07-15-08 21:59: WarandMoney[3], Lettucie[3] vs Zombies (30) - earned 0 skill
They grow in quanity on 1, that's almost not a growth :)
for Solmyr2000:
I see...
for Solmyr2000:
I don't get it (sorry, I'm a bit thick.) What should you do to prevent growth? What's this "(HG skill = faction skill x 2)" formula?

Could you be a bit clearer? :)
Well, after you hunt alone, you get 0,5 faction skill and (0,5 * 2) = 1 point to Hunters' guild. Next growth of monsters will be on 30% bigger. But if you hunt not alone, and you get 0,25 faction skill, you get (0,25 * 2) = 0,5 points to Hunters' guild. Next growth of monsters will be on 15% bigger.
Now you understand? If you get more skill - growth will be bigger, less - smaller. :)
Note: There a chance to meet 2/3; 1/2; 1/3 of next growth of monsters.
But doesn't it boil down to the same thing?

If you hunt alone, growth is 30% from one time to the next, you get 1 HG point and 0.5 faction point.

If you hunt with someone, growth is 15% and you get 0.5 HG point and 0.25 faction point (if I understood correctly)

So in fact growth path per HG or faction point is essentially the same. It's only that in the second case, you earned twice the gold of the hunt. No big deal IMHO.
If you hunt with someone, growth is 15% and you get 0.5 HG point and 0.25 faction point (if I understood correctly)
Not always, you can get also less skill, then all will be lower too :)
But look at the battles. There player get 0 skill and next growth - 1 additional monster. But he still gets the gold.
i get about the 'not growth' idea
but how does this helps you? (or not helping you instead)
the point is you can earn money with somebody else's help, rite?
hehe, thx
i dont think its worth the effort.. cheers
so the creeps strentgh increase does it depend only on the skill gains in the hunts, or pvp combats, too ?
Wow no wonder, its warandmoney XD
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