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Authorwizard or elf ?
i want to change faction i don't know who to choose between wizard an elf i tried them too but even so i am not sure can ytou help me ? I like making high damage and hunt a lot. What i like from wizard its that they have high defense. i like from elve that they always have high exp.

I would like to know you his better at high level ? (in pvp and hunting). because i want to stop changind faction and play only one.

thanks you for your opinion.
ho i change necro because i felt like only ghost and apparition are good at higher level even if you can raise the other stack are not well balanced. ( didn't try liche)

I think wizards are the best choice. Maybe elves till level 6 then wizards cause of their huge dmg:)
In hunting wizards are great, their hero spells can make around 190 dmg then, so creatures are easy to kill.
thanks and in pvp. what i don't like from elve its that they die fast... but maybe with treefolk and licorn they are better what do you think ?

What is nice from wizard it's that with artifact foundrey you can balanced very well your stack.

You need to have very high wizard faction level to be good too, each faction level gives bonus damage to spells VS hunts.

And at level 4/5 you get double effect miniarts and 7/8 you get triple effect miniarts.

But they do cost a bomb!!!... like maybe at least 50k +++
for icecool:
double mini-artifacts at 4 level of skipoint, triple - 7
and cost of full double mini-artifacts for all units is more then 300k
cost of full triple mini-artifacts for all units is more then 1.3 million
which is the best class overall in pvp for a lvl 1 i need to get a task done
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