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Can some demon player tell me what is the purpose of this unit???

I was DE, and wanted to change to Demon, for a change.
Ive took incindiaries in the hope that they were slightly better than demons....but seems that things only got worse.
They have the dummest ability of this game.....explosion, that not only damages your same units, but even your same other incindiaries unit!!!!! :O
So, tehy could somehow be useful with high ini as bomb placed around....but when the mother unit summon behind enemy lines.....the new Incindiaries gates from hell and its finally their turn to explode, you have already long loss the game....... :(((

And even succubi.....looks good, but in the end is a crap unit......with so low ini its always the last unit to shoot/cast spell, and unless you play against DE, when they get their turn the are alredy halved.....

So in the end, when demons loss dogs they have half lost the game, unless they have high demon skill for gates......that makes impossible to take take when youre already high on levels.......its so stupid.......i am like forced to go back to my DE.......

Incindiaries should be comparable to Shrews......lol it makes me just laugh........they dont get even closer to Shrews, never, under any circumstance.
I dont really understand.....they suck exactly as zombies....

If someone can put some light, or some words of comfort is very welcome.

I am pretty sure incendeareis don't damage themselfs. Also not only do they hit every unit around them they hit every unit twice.
no, i didnt say they damage themselves, but if you have 2 different stacks of incindiaries in contact they will damage each other.
And nope, they dont hit twice, they have once per battle their ability, that has nothing to do related to melee damage, is not the double or similars, furthermore, the less you have the more damage they deal.
For example, if they are in 36 they do 120 damage instead in just 2 they deal 24 damage.
Incindiary does seem the least helpful. Maybe if they get a initiatve or hp upgrade, or the damage don't scale down as much in large numbers, then they would be a bit more scary.

Shrew and Elite Keeper upgrades are almost twice as good as now. Perhaps only the next Cerberi upgrade could compare to them in power.
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