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AuthorFirst Minor Tournament. Your questions, our answers.
A small suggestion, better date of this game is shown besides the time.
Player of heroes come from all region in the world, we need to know what date is today in HeroesWM time.
for Arctic:
I see about reached new level.. but if a person, because of go hunting he/she lv up.. so he/she must entered the tournament on his/her new lv.. not the lv when they registered..
this is what I get.. CMIIW
It is exactly what happens. Your participation at current level is over, and you may pay the entrance fee and enlist for the new level tournament. Some people even do it intentionally: stop at some +-1k exp. before the new level, just to be able to participate twice.

But remember! There are Thieves out there who are really nuisance to such people. If you get caught, you're of to the next level. Good luck evading them, or maybe, for the sake of security, it is better to stay within one region until you actually finalize your current level's tournament.
now all my equip are ok how i can take part on it
The tournament starts in 10 minutes.
Maybe moderators should make sticky topics for all levels in General Forum?

Ut starts in 10 minutes. A bit more patience :)
How do isign up for this torney
how i get in tournament 10 min left
66, 67.
At 12:00 till 12:10 there will be a link "Sign up for the tournament" or something like that.
Next sign up will be from 12:30 till 12:40 and so on.
Ok thank you
The link will be on tournament page.
thanks so its not yet
Wait 3 minutes more. :)
Joined :)
Waiting...like an excited small child :D
My army has to restore 4% more
This crap i have 10 AP the 500 gold and i wont let me join, all my stuff was brought from the shop

Take off hunter things. They aren't from the shop.

Hunter artifacts are not bought from the shop, you can't wear them in the tournament.
if only one guy come in level8 tournamen will he win it automaticly
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