Author | Toutnaments, a prediction about who will win in level 7 |
I am a level 7 heroes, so i will make prediction of level 7 tournament.
I think a knight will win level 7 tournament. They are so strong with huge HP.
If they have crossbowmen, they will be nearly impossible to beat.
Barbarian is strong too. Especially if they have wolf raider with 3 strikes. Barb is the second seeded for level 7 tournament, in my opinion.
So, now let's take a look at level 7 heroes.
Now, Who are knight with crossbowmen and barbarian with Wolf Raiders?
Tung, Knight with Crossbowmen. I lost from him :)
Mangablanco, Knight with Crossbowmen.
Nejaf, Knight with Crossbowmen.
Infusion, Knight with Crossbowmen.
Kushn, Barbarian with Wolf Raiders.
How about your prediction? |
Demon or wizard. |
I am rooting for Arctic ;) |
for Rancid:
Good point ) |
But over all i am rooting for my clan to win ;)
Go HeroesEmpire.
Just wish i could fight as well. but no gold to buy arts |
demons dont get alot from upgrading units - wizzard with crazy enchanted gargoyles is HARD 55 x20 hp = 1100 hps + high def + fast unit and magic mirror
look @brilliant - he can deal alot dmg with spells while his opponent trys to catch and kill the gargoyles |
6 Deamon mage get alot when meet with another mages
hy need catch gargoyles when he can meet them with magic arrow :) |
bec of magic mirror and air resist
brillant just lost vs tung - he could not decide how to att
:) |
I think a smart person will win the tournament ;)))
In my last tournament (level 7)
I won 16 out of 20 battles.
I won a knight with crossbowmen.
I won an elv with elite FK
I won a necro with 6 skill level
But i lost to a demon, knight 2 times,and a necro, cuz i am dumb =)))))
and 1 time my internet just broke =(
But I had elite FK =) |
I have seen how Tung fight.
I believe no one will beat him.
In level 7 with crossbowmen, Knight would almost impossible to defeat.
Knight has escort talent, too. |
brillant dit att the swordsmen - just ignore them and kill griffs and bowmen first
but i had not 1vs1 vs crossbowmen....
@kush ... isnt this the first tournament? |
i thank he means .ru or maby a clan tournament. |
Tung spread their bowmen to 6 stacks.
Wizard have small initiative, how can wizard kill 6 stack of bowmen?
Even me with elite FK can not kill all of them. |
for Cenacad:
for Rancid:
.ru =) Im level 7 there with elite FK |
he could try it! just look this fight, ignore swordsmen and cast to them - he wasted alot dmg to swordsmen ... in my opinion |
Well, after 6 stack of bowmen die, how to kill swordsmen?
Wizard will need at least 5 round to kill 6 stacks of bowmen.
I think Demon have a chance to win against Knight.
How about you, Cenacad? :) |
hehe maybe i will meet him - but first i have to buy 1 casterring or 2
yes maybe demon ...
- cast spawns to block bowmen
- kill griffs
- delay on swordsmen - for 6 - 8 turns ;)
- kill crossbows
- kill swordsmen my mind ;) |
for SpecialOne:
everybody has a chance =)))
But the more you use ur brain, the more chances you have =))) |
but you can upgrade you chances ;) |
I think Elf with elite FK have chance to win.
He has to split their FK into 2 equal size stacks and attack crossbowmen.
For me, the problem was I didn't know that Tung will spread their crossbowmen.
I have only 1 large amount of Elite FK and 2 single elite FK.
The other way is using only 1 stack of elven bowmen and use Druids to cast stoneskin to elven bowmen.
Unfortunately, I forgot to cast stoneskin to my bowmen.
I was panic when I saw 6 stack of crossbowmen.
I think "Oh, God,. How to kill all of that crossbowmen.
He has 52 crossbowmen with 10 HP. It means 520 HP to kill.
He has 56 swordsmen with 16 HP. It means 896 HP to go.
He has 13 Griffins with 30 HP. It means 390 HP.
The sum is 1806 HP.
I am thinking to switch to knight faction. |