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AuthorToutnaments, a prediction about who will win in level 7
he only said luck and morale decide - i think "luck" to buy shrews ;)
I always wrote, It;s a shame, I must pay for game (buy shrews) to fight agains others good players.
But I still vote morale, and luck will win.
I win few battled against others players with "diamond" units, and I win, I'm not super-hero, READ carefull (IMO) game is too random.
btw I don't have any bettre idea then admin (look around - admins don't decide, they base on heroeswm.ru).
I think DE are still too, weak, but thousend of others players won't agree with me.
you should try to fight vs shrews...its crazy and yes, if you want to win you need alot luck

why are all in panic bec of shrews or crossbows or elitekeepers.... and not about luck/morale/ ... even artes ... or good players ;)
I fight against them all :p

I fight against DE with shrews, against K with crossbowmen, and against E with EK, and I don't think that I'm better then others. lck, and morale, or morale and luck.
I know it's stiupid to response to own post.
But all of you must remember shrews with all bonuses have ONLY 512 HP, they should be death after, first turn.
lol...and how? only with extreme luck ... or if you play extreme stupid. and yes you ownt crossbows and so ... but look these fights an think all your morale and luck away, who would win? if you are right never you ... lol
i look they still can live after first turn and if really yes death, shrew have been kill so a lot, so no prob if shrew death.. mino and lizard can handle the rest.. :p
look @his fights - all shrews down after 1 turn? even @the end of most fights some are still alive. too much luck? i dont think so, just shrews ;)
"LEVY: I know it's stiupid to response to own post.
But all of you must remember shrews with all bonuses have ONLY 512 HP, they should be death after, first turn."


why are my 30 wolfs still alife after 1 turn? they have only 450 hp (not 512), def 2 (not 3), range 7 (not 8), no strike+noretail+return and no ini 16 ... or my 15 succus with only 300 hp

so tell me how plz ;)
Because they're not targeted like the shrews? And your succ's are split usually...

These are just guesses.
Simple i think coz they not feel that dangerous like shrews or elven bowman.. :p
7 level - level where DE+shrews rules. But that's the ONLY ONE level when DE rules... )
So I think LEVY will win :)
DE with shrews and all stats in atack will win the tournament.

i did split bec my only hope was to hit shrews woith 2-4 hellfire as fast as possible

but i have no luck and this setup makes me weaker vs lizzards and minos
You have already taken part in 15 battles and completed the tournament.

Battle count: 15 (15) Points: 15
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (0)

3x Demon
1x Demon + (with "diamond" units)
2x Dark Elf
1x Dark Elf +
2x Knight
1x Knight +
1x Barbarian
1x Barbarian +
2x Necromancer
1x Elf
Yeah, DE ftw! :) Gratz! :)

gratz 4 shrews and 4 buying the 1. place

i took a look @your matches - in 14 no one was able to kill your shrews even @the end of the match. i know i killd them bec. i destroyed my setup and wasnt able hold lizzards and minos

so tell me again - how can anyone kill them within the 1. turn - im realy interested in this!

Maybe you should try other setup:
15x Succubi, 4x 3 Spawns, 32 Spawns, 30 Wolfhounds on start all on last line.
I must come closer, becouse I can't reach Succubi.
You move triple Spawns before Succubi, I must kill Spawns with Shrews, probably it give 3 shots for Succubi, before I break block line with Shrews and Lizards, Minos still too away.

I don't know, it's work or not, only maybe.

Other thing: I had 2x often morale bonus than you.
You don't use your Spell Power.
You atacked 1 poisoner with yours Spawns, better was kill 5 Minos (I know - no difference at final).

It's very hard to win magical hero, against might one. Few days ago I bought Potion of Obvilion, and I change me from magical DE to might DE.

Maybe, We meet again in next tournament (at level 8), You'll have Cerberi. :)

Probably I start next "forum war" about:
DE - overpowered
"Diamond" units
sry you told ....why you dont kill shrews within 1. turn and not within 3 turns

and 15 succus in 1 stack will never deal enough dmg to kill shrews...even within 3 turns, maybe half of them
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