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Authorplease pay urgent attention !
amulet of luck factory is facing problems,there is a huge shortage of amulet of luck,there is a big need for some new type of artifact to give same +luck,of duration of formation of amulet of luck should be reduced ,so that there is not much blackmarketing of that product !
there are them rings i forget the name of them though.
the rings give +1 luck but -2 morale
provided rings are expensive.
Why do you think it is blackmarketing? =) Everything is official here. It is called business.
There is a shortage because people buy them off before everyone else does and sell them:)
yeh if you don't buy them within the first 5 seconds of production you won't get any
Hehe I buy them in the first 2s and i doubt and i sometimes end up without. :S
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