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AuthorSkeleton question
After I won a fightas a Necromancer in the reward box it said a skeleton, where is the skeleton and how do I get it?
haha u raise the dead...That means 1 skeleton archer came bck

The Necro Racial ability allows you to have a % chance to revive killed opponents as skeletons.

These go into your castle (Recruiting)

The level 5 Upgraded skeletons are bowmen.

You can recruit "extra" skeletons into your army from your reserves.

These skeletons can die. if you lose or they are not full stack when you win a battle you lose the ones not rezzed.

Lets say you have Necro Level 4 and Combat level 5. you can bring 75 Archers into the battle. (recruiting 40 more than normal)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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