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Authorsomething has to be done to keep this from happening
we were goners by half way thru the battle.
nothing funny i think. Just player that went afk. And what are you'll do with it?
[Post deleted by moderator Skunder // abbreviated forms of cursing are still forbidden]
AFK totally ruins group battle.

Seriously something need to be done to this.

As many have suggested,

1. adding a AFK count to every player, so that everybody can see it. The count should only count recent months, for example, the last two months.
2. adding group battle option to have constraints on AFK count (<1, <5, <10 etc)
3. harsh punishment on afkers? this one is controversial, but current punishment is too light as commonly agreed. I'd like to see something like this:
a. no exp/no skeleton/no skill point gain even if the afker's side wins
b. no group battle in 48 hours, or
c. exp deduction, the more afk count, the more exp deduction each afk (so for first afk, exp-100, the second afk, exp-200, etc...)
To 5^

1 and 2 YES! Great ideas.

3a. I like that one a lot.
3b. Maybe no group battle for 3(or more) hours.. 48 is a little too much considering there could be a legit reason as to why they AFK'ed.
3c. As long as you can't level down from the experience.. Otherwise sounds good enough.

well 48 hours may sound long but considering that normally a player spend a few hours (assume 3) a day in this game, then the punishment is really just 6 hours of game time without group battle. he/she can still do hunts/merc quest as usual.

The only legit reason for afk is REALLY bad connection. 5 turns without action is considered afk, see how long that is? 5 turns typically means 10+minutes, If the connection is that bad that can't restore in 10 minutes, then I bet the chance it will restore in the next few hours is not much. The idea is, if the player knows he/she has a bad connection, he/she should consciously not attend group battle risking other players time. I agree 48 hours for these players are perhaps too much but see my next point.

For all other type of afker (start the battle and then forgot, intentionally afk seeing less chance of win, etc, and I bet these are majority), 48 hours are just about right. Since we can't distinguish legit and non-legit afkers (well perhaps technically we can), we have to choose the punishment to for the majority situation.

For exp deduction, no level down of course even if the exp drops below a level (otherwise this will become a exploitable thing). And the factor of exp to deduct should be proportional to player level, that is, for lvl1, perhaps 20*afk_count, for lvl5, 100*afk_count, etc.

3a no skeleton gain: why this exception for necros? Might as well get rid of favored enemy for elves, gating demons, enhanced magic hunt damges for mages, training troups for knight. In short, if you want to remove faction skill for one faction you do it for all of them. If you dont want that than removing raising skeletons is nonsense. Its plain necrobashing.

EX loss is uselsss and may cause some people to go afk on purpose, they need to lose faction level for it to be a true punishment.

He is saying necros don't gain skeletons if they go afk. Not to remove it entirely.
Very true. For someone who AFKed by accident it wouldn't matter much, because it would be a very rare occurence. But it would stop people who AFK on purpose.

good point. someone may like to keep exp low and focus on improving faction skills. so exp deduction may be exploitative.

so faction skill lose shall be a true punishment.
why this is necro bashing? i didn't say anything about removing necro faction skills? I just proposed removing any after-combat gain if the player afk, that includes exp, faction skills, and just incidently necro has additional gain that is skeletons. See? if other factions had any after-combat gain I would have proposed removing those too to be fair. I don't understand why this has anything to do with necro bashing?
You dont gain skeletons if you go AFK and leave the fight anyway do you?
I never saw this myself, but someone said if the afker side won, the afker still got after-combat bonus including skeleton. if the afker side lose, the afker get nothing of course.

I may need to find a reference for that. Somebody with that experience may be able to confirm it (or deny it).

(BTW, post 13 is to reply 8, not 5. )
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