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this is a stradegy game, but for those of you (mostly noobs) who fail to have good stradegy. this forum is for you.

a defensive faction built for durating battles. have farmers guard bowmen, and have bowmen split many times so that volley can be fatal.if you have swordsmen, they will do the atacking.

everything should gate near ranged units, the gates still work if stepped on. imps should be split as much as possible while demons dont split and have large numbers. send imps on suicidle missions to gradually lowers enemy numbers while demons do heavy work. when imps die, demons attack goes up. Wolfhounds should snipe out enemies that imps cant handle.

bandits stay put and fight as ranged units, while rogues stay with them and use strike&return to fend off enemies. minotaurs go straight into battle.

gremlins can be split or kept in one stack, several gargoyles (with equal numbers) do the melee fighting. Golems stay in the center of the crowd of gargoyls.

everything gangs up on one enemie at a time with high number forest keepers aswell as faeries, which do not let enemies retaliate to it. elven bowmen should stay in decent number-split stacks as far away from each other as possible.

keep wolf riders in corner while goblins go SHORT distance away. when enemie focus' on goblins, wolf riders ambush. wolf riders do NOT do well when being attacked. keep goblins at low number and wolf rider at high number. orcs do very well at melee aswell as ranged but leave them to fight melee until middle of battle.

keep EVERYTHING a high number. split skeletons into stacks of one except for one should be in the tens. zombies have rage so when skeletons die, zombies attack goes up. ghosts should be in low teens and remember this; TWO HITS = MISS, TWO MISS = HIT. and ONLY resurect when zombies or ghosts are at low number, NEVER RESURRECT SKELETONS.

you have been learned...
bowmen split many times so that volley can be fatal
I dont think this is a good idea unless enemy bunches together. Single shots would definitely be better in most cases.

orcs do very well at melee aswell as ranged but leave them to fight melee until middle of battle.
If I'm not wrong, orcs are often used to preempt and destroy potential threats at a distance upon gaining their turn instead of being used as a melee-based unit.

bandits stay put and fight as ranged units, while rogues stay with them and use strike&return to fend off enemies. minotaurs go straight into battle.
This might leave your minos unsupported since in theory if you keep your rogues at the back to protect your bandits, you have no other units supporting your minos. Careful play of observing the striking range of your rogues may allow your opponent at times to avoid these hit and run tactics.

elven bowmen should stay in decent number-split stacks as far away from each other as possible

This is also nonsense...
Well heres the problem when your a dark elf and fighting a elf. you have to play magic or you lost. You say the rouges stay back and fight. THey get lowered to 5 or so in the first turn and minos take 3 turn to get to enemys. hardly any1 get bandits except poisoners. Wait till a higher level and then give tips plz
2. + 3.

strategy and tactic change over time. there is no absolute way to settle your troops and fight.

for example in 1st msg:

split afew stack, it is useful when oppenent have magic arrow shot or maybe a focus shot.

of course, no spliting is good to prevent any AoE spell such ask earth spike
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