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AuthorCastle militia recruiting question
Hi I'm new and keep getting pwned because I can't recruit more troops. How do I recruit more? Can I take all from my castle or do I have to leave some to guard it?
no you recruit the max number of units until you cant recruit anymore. Dont leave any behind at the castle. No one will attack it =]
you'll get more troops with every level you go up
As DE, you can only recruit more troops when you level up, or construct specific buildings that increases troop count.

However in recruiting screen you can reduce one type of creature and increase another. in level 1-2 it's better to have max rogues by reducing bandits, use single bandits to take retaliation and rogues to do damage.
Ok thanks. How do you reduce one type of creature in order to increase another? I started out as a Knight but changed to Dark Elf because I thought they would be better - I keep getting pwned by DEs and Elfs. I'm probably going to switch back to Knight again as soon as I can since DE have less units than Knights.
first u return all ur troop back to ur castle , for example knight : u go to recruit > then set ur army back to 0 farmers - 0 bowmen and max in castle then drag all ur bowmen to max then the reminding to farmers =D while i m new too still figuring this mystical game out =P
Okay, thanks very much for your help. I appreciate it. =)
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