Author | I want to know how to get Thief invitation ? |
Hoq to get Thief invitation, thanks ! |
you buy them from other players at like 300k+ gold but you wouldn't want it at your lvl maybe wait till lvl 9 |
srry for double posting but i mean lvl 8 |
Thanks! |
Only the very very rich (usually the cheaters) will buy them with gold
The rick (in real life) buy them with diamonds
the rest of us do without |
most common way is ro rent one from someone, rent means, you get an invite, use it, andreturn the invite ye get when ye get thieves guild lvl 2
and then there is a proce of course, fold per day, first theif artifiact or whatever ye agree on |
So, are there any combat record for thiev quests ?? if any please write them down .. thx a lot |
//Move to Queries and Help Forum Section |
Well, guess this question is answered in a lot of topics, so please search the queries section for the answer. |
closed by FaithBringer (2008-09-23 16:03:52) |