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AuthorI want to know how to get Thief invitation ?
Hoq to get Thief invitation, thanks !
you buy them from other players at like 300k+ gold but you wouldn't want it at your lvl maybe wait till lvl 9
srry for double posting but i mean lvl 8
Only the very very rich (usually the cheaters) will buy them with gold
The rick (in real life) buy them with diamonds
the rest of us do without
most common way is ro rent one from someone, rent means, you get an invite, use it, andreturn the invite ye get when ye get thieves guild lvl 2

and then there is a proce of course, fold per day, first theif artifiact or whatever ye agree on
So, are there any combat record for thiev quests ?? if any please write them down .. thx a lot
//Move to Queries and Help Forum Section
Well, guess this question is answered in a lot of topics, so please search the queries section for the answer.
closed by FaithBringer (2008-09-23 16:03:52)
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