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Author#136 'Dragon Heroes' ---- opening to the fantasy world
just here to see if admins started to make game fair, and if it was time to start playing again, but with you still here, it looks bad...
it looks bad... that you'm back ...

P.S. if you're already there - you must clan 119 Set-Sveta transferred. They can come from the clan one hand, the best make ...
dont understand a word of that one. are you faking (not writing english) again?
Please use translators if you cant write understandable english if you want a serious answer.
and im NOT back as long as you are still allowed to play...
and im NOT back as long as you are still allowed to play...
it's good, then we will never see again. everything good and goodbye
dont understand a word of that one. are you faking (not writing english) again?
I do not speak English. Although I can read and understand but I can not write... so I've always written German, so nobody sees me wrong ...
it's good

For you and you friends in admin and mods yeah.
For you and you friends in admin and mods yeah.
Should I cry now? or not?

P.S. Before you go: transfer Clan (119) to Set-Sveta. (is as understandable?)
Guys, can you take your bickering to the private mails. Don't spam the clan thread. -.-"
P.S. Before you go: transfer Clan (119) to Set-Sveta. (is as understandable?)

you want the truth about you on the NE clanpage removed? Then just say that is what you want...
you want the truth about you on the NE clanpage removed? Then just say that is what you want...
I am absolutely does not matter. I just know that you're cheaters. And I do not)
if you continue to want to talk with me - send PM. at the forum will Ino longer write.
yeah right. dont want others to know you cheat too....
Oops, did I heard some noise here?

Anyway, back to our works. :)
~~~~~~~~~~ Full Thief Set for rent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3000 gold per battle for the full set for our clan members.
Required combat level: 6.
Plz contact Vitosik for rent.

The best set and the best deal in the game right now.
For more information about the thief set, check the following page out (at the bottom):
Now we have our fifth Thief Invitation now.

Want to be a thief? come and join us. :)
lol not now
for Ampkit123:
yeah, a thief need to be at least lvl 6.
It's still a goal of future for you. :)
Get your arts enchanted for free, and what's better? Get some cash back from our clan enchanters. :)

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Art Enchanters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Weapon Enchanters:
Vitosik (2x5%): pay you 1500 gold back each percentage
xinhua (3%): pay you 1000 gold for each percentage
GGW (3%): pay you 3000 gold for each percentage

Armor Enchanters:
Vitosik (2x5%): pay you 1500 gold for each percentage
dougdandan (2x4%): pay you 2000 gold for each percentage

Jewel Enchanters:
Yur4uk (3%): pay you 1000 gold for each percentage
If anyone want to become a thief, plz let dougdandan or me know ASAP.

But plz make sure you are at least lvl 6 and have enough arts/money to reach TG2. It's really a arts-burning job. :)

As we have too many TGIs now, I am considering to rent my TGI to outside of clan.

So plz let us know if you want to become a thief.
BTW, the lvl 6 is the basic requirment of Thief Guild in the game.

If you are lower than that, hurry up. :)
binghuo comes back as the leader of #136. We are back to the track!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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