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Author#136 'Dragon Heroes' ---- opening to the fantasy world
Yes, every clanmate is welcome to join our party with a present, and everyone will receive a present. :)

Currently, there are more than 90,000 gold in present already!

For killshot, I am sorry for the mistake, and here you go:
killshot [Elf] 5 Bronze Dragon

is it possible to register in clan website account if u dont have an email?
You must have an email to register in clan forum.
More than 100,000 gold in present for the Christmas Party now. :)

And it's still growing...
welcome to:

gr8m8ge [Wizard] 3
Arkapal_11 [Wizard] 5
humm [Dark elf] 5
millanue [Wizard] 5
Dear clanmates,

hurry up to join our Christmas Party.

So far, we have overall presents: 133k

total guests&#65306;10
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important Change on Christmas Party ~~~~~~~~~~

Due to the new game rule on tournament:
The schedule of our party has been speeded up, and the entrance door has been closed.
If you missed the event, I am sorry. Plz hurry up next time. :)
If you already in, plz enjoy the party and play card games to win the big prize. And plz make sure you are on the guest list and following the new time schedule:

Start: 12/11/2008 0:00 LOWM time
End: 12/22/2008 23:59 LOWM time
Post result: You need to post your results in our clan forum before 12/24/2008 23:59 LOWM time
Present: will be give to you on Christmas Day. :)

Overall presents: 123k + 10k (clan) = 136k
Total guests: 11
Hey, can i jion the clan, im 24/7 active player

and i love LordsWM :P
for whtuwantfrom:

You'd better lvl up first to meet our clan requirment:
combat lvl 5 and labor lvl 3, or sum = 8.
Don't miss the good fighting opportunities. :)

You may or may not notice the biggest change in the game:

We have two new sections on the map, and there is a new fighting style in Ridge of Hope, the section on the right of East Bay. Here, you are able to fight against evil dragon with our friends, and get rewards.

Yes, we are Dragon Heroes, we protect dragons on our side, but kill dragons on the other side. So come and join us to kill the evil dragons, and help the Empire explore new sections on map. At the same time, let's help to build a famous name of our clan.

The exp and skill is very good, and the reward is generous too.

Here is how to join us:

1. go to East Bay

2. you'd better go with full art

3. click on Ridge of Hope, which is on the right side of East Bay.

4. join or lead a Vanguard under name of clan #136 Dragon Heores.
Yo....Finally our clan christmas party are over....here i come to post my result. I total win 162 match in tavern card game during this period....11 Dec 08 - 22 Dec 08....cheers...

Games played: 952
Victories: 513
Defeats: 439
Greetings clan mates,
and Merry Christmas!

During this party time, I totaled 164 games, with 111 wins.

Congrats to eternal, who played with me a few times too:)
Hi..Zehir..u are a good competitor...We really have a nice game indeed...At here wish all of my clan mates Merry Christmas....
thanks, Eternal, it's fun.
and thanks to all who contributed to the party too, particularly the wise leader:)
here is mine,

bigwood wizard 8

Games played: 118
Victories: 48 Defeats: 70

Eternal and Zehir are such crazy cards players.

My results during party time (Dec 11 - Dec 22, 2008):
Played: 20
Win: 9
Lose: 11
Anyone else?? I hope i can get the biggest prize...Horhorhor...Merry Christmas....
i win 19 times... i dont have lot of time :S never mind :) congrat for the winner
Yeah, Merry Christmas! :-)
Merry Christmas to all!

i'm not good at cards, i won 3 out of 7
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