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AuthorNecromancers faction topic

In this topic, members of the faction are asked to discuss everything, that concerns THIS faction: skills, stats, tactics etc.

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I made a new topic, couldn't change the name..

Hope the necromaNcers are happy with the change :)
Yes! I am happy! *gleeful smile* Thank you faith!
As a lvl 7 necromancer I'm by no means the strongest or wisest of necromancers. But I have gotten quite familiar with necromantic troops.

Dreadclaws Necromicon Diabolicum:

Skeletons: Useful cannonfodder. Use many small stacks to eat retaliations, and make the zombies angry. At lvl 5 upgrade them as fast as possible, to get...

Skeleton Archers: Massive. They're so useful you don't even want to remember how you played before you got em. The higher your faction skill is, the more deadly these critters become. Strength in numbers. Definately so.

Zombies: Slow, tank, slow. Waddle...slap...waddle.... Zombies are slow, and generally no good. But....once you get....

Infected zombies: Awe-some. Sure, they're still slow. Sure, they're still waddling. But infected zombies have infected strike. An incredible ability. From now on, your zombies seek out big targets to swarm over. Every hit, even that of a single zombie, lowers attack and defense by 4, making even titans, or monster quests easy after a pack of them smacked down upon them. These guys are great!

Ghosts: Fragile, ethereal, always 50/50. These guys hit hardest, along with your archers, but they die quite quickly. They're well worth it though, as they tend to go down in a blaze of glory, and are rather easily resurrected.

Vampires: Oh nelly. Vampires suck. Not that they're bad, quite the contrary. They just suck the life right out of the living. Keep these guys healthy and you'll love how they keep smacking the opposition down to size with replenishing stacks. Sadly, the ai knows this and tends to mob up on them. Even then vampires make great damage absorbers.

Liches and Death envoys: Insufficient data.
right vampire suck, lol.
Lol, necromancers have yellow blood. My vampire looks like he peed himself when he's defending a single spot. still, it's a funky new addition.
Aw, they changed the title... and I was gonna forge myself teh phearsome mace of d00m... shucks. XD

Seriously though, I've been playing around with necro's debuff skills. Do you guys think 3 spell power is worth it with the dominion of the mind talent?
yes. 3 spellpower really makes that spell last long =)
Interesting. Say, does anyone know exactly how many turns each spell power increases for delay or other debuff spells? I've seen dark elves with 3 spell power cast delay for 3 turns. Does it increase by 1 turn for every spell power or does it increase geometrically or something?
for Grusharaburas:
1 spell power - 1 turn
2 spell power - 2 turn
not geometrically
Ah. In that case the spirit cape and wizard cap aren't such bad items for necros. I'm gonna have to get my hands on those things... and congratulations on that victory. I really thought that the knight was gonna win there. XD
As I found it nowhere, here is a list of units I have seen so far (viewing profiles of high lvl players)
Skeletons: http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=skeleton
-> UPGRADE bowmen: http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=skeletonarcher

Zombies : http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=zombie
-> UPGRADE infected: http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=plaguezombie

Ghosts : http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=ghost

vampires : http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=vampire

liches : http://www.heroeswm.com/army_info.php?name=lich

If anyone has more info, feel free to upgrade this list ;)
Death envoy
Hi my fellow Necromancer.

i have a problem with magic arrow. do u have any suggestions how to decrease the effect against the ghosts:-). Is there any anti chaosmagic art?!?!

You're already wearing Cape of winds that gives 25% immunity to air dmg. :)

There are more artifacts that give magic immunity, but they are for lvls 8+ and are not yet introduced here.
i have the cape, but it have no effect against the MA:-(
It has effect actually. MA deals air dmg, cape protects from it :) Althoug I can see how your ghosts wouldn't notice the difference :)
talents for a lv 6 necro?
i have 5 base points on knowledge
where should my next one goes?

any advice? and i mostly only do hunts
i found basic darkness + dominion of mind very doable for hunts
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