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Yes, the IP was posted on daily.heroeswm.ru, http://daily.heroeswm.ru/hn.php?i=4wm86xbm, post #18, by Alexdiser, id=42728, who is not a member of any official clan on ru.

Can anyone from the official staff either on com or ru, confirm/infirm this IP is legit?

The IP address belongs to:
OrgName: Prolexic Technologies, Inc.
Address: 1930 Harrison Street
City: Hollywood
StateProv: FL
PostalCode: 33020
Country: US
RegDate: 2004-07-15
Updated: 2011-06-16

If someone can give me older IP addresses from the Russian server I can check them out and see if they belong to the same company. If they do, this IP can be safe to use ;)
So this IP is safe?
A question about the ranger's guild: how much does it cost to switch from RG to TG?
TG or RG level* 6000 or 4000 gold. I dont rally remember.
A question about the ranger's guild: how much does it cost to switch from RG to TG?
afaik is your CL x 1k gold
It appears .ru is operational again.

what on earth is my partner the knight doing? That has to be the stupidest, stupidest playing i have ever seen in my WHOLE LIFE.

seriously I have no idea why on earth is the AI on the knight behaving like that.....
for mega0impact.

In auto battles you can choose the attack option or defend option at the start. He chose defend. It means your shooters will shoot and all your melee units will defend. it can be good for full chaos wizard.
New Updates Kiddos

>> New Theif Arts

>> Theifing Hunt Assist
Interesting... :)

New ranger set:

is it like (a ranger+a traveler) vs two thief . 2v2 ?
so at what ranger's guild level do you get a ranger set?
is it like (a ranger+a traveler) vs two thief . 2v2 ?

it is two thieves vs two caravan, and also you can set 2 rangers vs two thieves
so at what ranger's guild level do you get a ranger set?
isnt it the same as with the thieves guild?
1 artifact / level and from level 8 and onwards the better set
1 artifact / level and from level 8 and onwards the better set

really? in the "table of experience" section they say 1 ranger art from level 4 only

and what is the maximum level of ranger's guild in .ru, same as TG?

check this battle link.Ru has a new update 2 caravan 2 thief.They have also introduced 2 rangers also.

translate it in google :)

Pretty quickly flew year since the founding of the Guild of Rangers, that was the beginning of a new era in the fight against banditry and looting the trade routes of the Empire. The term, of course, is small for such a significant organization, but it is sufficient to sum up the first results. Waiting for the arrival of Grammita governors and senior representatives of the Guardians of the forest, the head of the guild unceremoniously offered immediately start with the report prepared by him. Slightly hesitated, nervously fingering the paper on his desk, the leader of the Rangers, after all, put them to one side and then began to tell their success stories and he worked out a new strategy of "double vigilance." Among other things, on incomplete artifacts rangers:

Meanwhile, deep underground in the darkest corners of the thieves' den atmosphere was not festive. Carefully reading the original report stolen chief ranger leader Thieves could not stop nervously walk in circles before the representatives of the thieves elite. At one point she finally stopped, frozen for a moment, then abruptly pripechataet palm roll to the surface of his desk and then plunged a dagger into the center of the coat of arms depicted on parchment. "Most of the Rangers - more thieves ... More thieves - more prey ..." - murmured softly dark elf somewhere in the void, and then by raising the tone with obvious deceit in his voice turned to the audience - "Make it ..." double "surprise? .. " Attention all rangers! Guild leader announced a new strategy to combat the scourge of thieves on the trade routes. Henceforth in tasks guild Rangers can get help from your friends list hero or just a random partner. At the same time, several reports of thieves use similar tactics in organizing raids on caravans. Stay tuned for performing tasks and do not forget, if necessary to act together!
my id is raytoday
I got stuck in a loading battle. Got to 93% and doesn't move forward. Anyone with similar problem?

Okay, problem solved. Turning the browser off and back on seemed to do the trick.
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