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wtf 6 darkness talent points and weakness -15 delay -50% mass, infite mana drain, NOT JSUT THAT.
MIND CONTROL IS WORST! imagine mind controled berseker with rune 9- all you need is one single mind control and you basically destroy the WHOLE dwarf army. (of course you have to place troops but its just insane) OR a mind controlled 43 grandmaster bowmen- all you need is shoot your efk or unicorns in range with 3 luck, or mind control stoneskined 86 efk wrecking the WHOLE elf army. just examples. even their ability is OP, not to mention they already have a a big advantage with extra builds as normal demon or dark demon with the SAME faction skill, but its almost a completely different faction altogether- thats cheating, other factions except barb dont even have that option.

plus drain mana ability renders ALL i repeat ALL MAGIC USERS USELESS, be it chaos, mass holy, mass darkness, ALL useless!!!!!!!
If admins think they are ok, they will stay as they are. I think they will balance it, just wait a while, probably, the mixed tournament is to test their balance with other factions =)
cant wait to see them at least depower those demons by at least 50%, if not 60-70%
infite mana drain
how do they have that??
how do they have that??

Their vermins have a ability to drain mana from hero and distribute between hero's creature, as many time as they want. Obviously, if they are killed, it is not a problem anymore...
they must redistribute talent points and troop number, darkness efficiency must not to be changed, let people try demon :) they are considered the weak function before
vermins and what not drain like up to 80 mana and their hero ability is to convert ANY dead stack into mana. of course thats WAAY more than you need in a pvp, even in 3 vs 3, or a duel, you cannot finish using your mana while wizard or DE or any magic users no one is gonna take 200+ mana into battle just to fight demons thats plain stupid lol
right now they are about 5 times more powerful than any magic users, and 2-3 times more powerful than might users.
come to think of it it doesnt make sense that darkness demons have way more darknesss efficiency than necromancers
thanks for correcting that sworks- so bassically

jumpers: with those jumping around their OP- wtf speed 8 and same damage of about 300-500 guardians. at level 12 they deal like 1500 damage without any luck or offense talents lol.

succubi- mind control: control a 83 efk or a rune 9 beserkers or a 60 shrews you get the idea.

hell horse- 18 init when you slow and weaken mass -50% and -15 attack within the first move of battle wtf

vermins- infite mana forever and DRAIN ALLLLLLLL mana from ALLL magic users

wtf is not OP? its about the same power as a levle 12 DE with 600 shrews right now id say.
[Player banned by moderator ElfPride until 2012-12-18 23:18:22 // Long string violation,masked vulgar language,Caps lock]
let see when necromancer alt build comes, they must be grandmasters in
dark :p
Vermins ability working infinite times! then it must be fixed, i don't think original game they can do infinite drain
nah more like the same battle power as 1000 shrews at level 12.
imagine mind controled berseker with rune 9-

As far as I know, berserkers are immune to mind affecting spells.
It looks like your blowing this out of proportion. I watched a few high level battles against them. Elves target their succubi first to stop mind control. Chaos could target the vermin first to stop mana drain. Undead and brawler/beserkers are immune to mind control.... I dont believe its an automatic loss when facing a demon of darkness and I dont believe they need their power nerfed by 50%-60%. Im sure their will be some balancing that will need to be done, but its not as if all is lost and the game is now broken.
my bad i forgot about beserkers. still a rune 9 53 bear is OP.
elves ONLY if their bowmen go first, even then, they have to be really lucky or even a few succubi can mind control, and all it takes is 1.6 turn efk to wreck the elf army.
choas can target vermin first of course i know i have played with elves and choas against dark demons dude. BUt of all the magic choas battles i have seen, the MOST they can spell is 2 times the whole battle, pretty useless dont you think? and that takes out all mass holy/dark users too.

and undead are absolutely no way to win with a -15 attack -50% delay, and 0 defense (they are so slow with 50% delay that mass disruption has reduced them all to 0 defense)
for mega0impact:

You are clearly overreacting. I suggest you to read this:


there are plenty examples where dark demons are defeated. learn before you comment
elves ONLY if their bowmen go first, even then, they have to be really lucky or even a few succubi can mind control, and all it takes is 1.6 turn efk to wreck the elf army.

bowmen has ini of 10 while upgraded succubi has 9. so what is the chance that succubi moves first? if you are concerned about succubi, why don't you set it as your favored enemy? and if you are already lvl 12 and you are still using EFK, then I would recommend you consider some better build.
I don't think darkness demons are that much overpowered.

Succubi alts: They already reduced their HP. Also they don't have return fire, so it shouldn't be that difficult to eliminate them first. The effect of the mind control ability depends on the HP of both stacks. The strongest stacks are protected because mind control would last only something like 0.5 turns or less.

Vermins: Should be easy to kill them fast, so they can use their ability just 1 time.

Fiends: Leap ability is good, but ennemies will deal double damage on retaliation.

Talents: Consume corpse regenerates 1 mana per 50 HP and the hero loses 1 full turn. Definitely not OP. Darkness with just 6 points makes a hybrid build with darkness magic finally usefull without wasting too many talent points.

Faction skill: They don't have gating and someone needs a very high fsl to get 50% delay even with exper dark.
im dwarf, not elf.
second, leap ability is OP. at level 12 with 200 fiends double damage retaliate is virtually non existent, i mean which stack is gonna deal anything worth retaliation after it is hit with 1500 damage? the only thing i can think of is like 100+ guardians only being able to survive that. since the double damage retaliate is virtually non existent, the leap ability is overpowered. Dont forget they can cast confusion to 80-90% reduce retaliate -.-
confusion to 80-90% reduce retaliate -.-

oh is this number true?
im guessing lol. expert darkness delay is already 50% 10-15% more than normal dark users. so normal dark users -70% confusion anyways
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