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Authorwu qing wu yi
went winning don't care who he is or she is just focus on killing him
who were you referring to? X_X
any body
so whats your point?
and why are you posting this?

and posting a topic in chinese may be an offence, u know? ;)
win to get exp is important
yes, mods are "[q]wu qing wu yi[/q]" they'll ban you :)
yeah better say sorry before they ban you and lock this topic becoz it's pointless. :)

3.9.1. Additional characters are forbidden to post messages at the forum. Your communication identity is supposed to go through your main one.
3.9.1. Additional characters are forbidden to post messages at the forum. Your communication identity is supposed to go through your main one.

u mean the 1 that he is transfering stuff 2 (or from)
haha, it's a funny topic. Are all people reply here a Chinese?
I am. :)
what is it mean binghuo?
what is it mean binghuo?

wu qing wu yi

translation: no sympathy no friendship

meaning: no mercy :)
he could've just posted thet title in English
Justiciar is right.

Just like our current tournament, Every one for oneself. :)
stick with english while you still have chance
closed by Pang (2008-10-09 17:31:25)
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